Lorenzo inclines his head. “So I’ve learned. Will you tell me more?”
I struggle to align my uncle’s reputation with the man seated before me, with his kind eyes and open heart. He’s far more considerate than my father. Excessively more patient.
“Sit down,” Matthew mutters to Salvo. “We’re all tired and impatient. But we have no idea what she’s been through.”
Remy nods. “We need to stick together.”
Salvo scowls but complies, his arms crossing over his chest.
“Please, Abri.” Layla begs. “Share your story and let us help you.”
I swallow, lowering my attention back to my coffee, my mind filling with flashbacks of all the things I’ve done.
I don’t want to do this. Don’t want to slice open my chest and let the filth spew out. But I have to share something. I have to move forward in my search for Tilly. “I have a child.”
Layla gasps. That’s all there is before the vacuum of silence.
I fixate on the liquid in my mug, my heart thudding in my ears, my palms sweating.
I want to scream. Run. The memory of my little girl’s gorgeous face is all that keeps me seated.
“I don’t get it.” Remy murmurs. “How?”
“Well, brother.” I meet his gaze from under my lashes. “When a man and a woman—”
“Don’t do that.” Bishop warns. “Don’t downplay what you’ve been through.”
I hate how easily he reprimands me. How he pretends to care. How I want more.
I drop my stare back to the glossy black mug. “As you all seem to be aware, I helped our father extort powerful men over the years.” My pulse falters with the lowering of my guard. “I was careless, fell pregnant, and had a daughter.”
“Where is she?” Salvatore asks. “How did you hide the pregnancy?”
“I went away for a few months.” I withhold the parts of my story that show weakness. “I had her in secret.”
“I remember.” Remy speaks quietly, as if to himself. “It was a few years back. You and Dad were constantly fighting and when you returned, you were different. You started agreeing with a lot of his bullshit.”
“My life changed during those months.” It’s a non-explanation I hope they don’t notice through their shock. “Everything changed.”
“Where is she now?” Layla speaks up. “Are you trying to get her back?”
“I’m trying to keep her safe. But I have no idea where she is. Dad placed her in the care of a loving family as soon as she was born. I get updates every now and then. But we’ve led separate lives.”
“Abri.” My name is a warning from Bishop—yet another reprimand.
I raise my chin, ignoring him as I meet my uncle’s gaze. “I’ve never known her location—that’s something my parents kept to themselves. And now that my brothers are responsible for our father’s death, I fear my mother will do something to Tilly in retaliation.”
“Tilly,” Layla whispers. “That’s such a beautiful name.”
I shut out the commiseration in her tone. Block out the pitying glances from my siblings. And I sure as hell disregard the hard stare Bishop pins on me.
“You think she’s capable of hurting a child?” Lorenzo asks.
“No.” Salvo reaches for me. “She wouldn’t do that, Bree.”
I drag my hand away. “We both had very different relationships with our parents. Please don’t assume to know how they would or wouldn’t punish me for your actions.”
His face falls. “You really think she’d hurt your daughter?”