“I already told you—out to my father’s old place. It’s quiet there. We’ll know if we’re followed.”
I nod, my gaze on the cars directly in front of us.
I don’t check the mirrors. Don’t allow myself to hope that anyone is following.
“You seem awfully sure of yourself over there.” Geppet weaves in and out of traffic, defying the speed limit. “You’re not worried we’ve got a tail?”
“Should I be?” I shoot him a confident stare. “You would’ve jumped through my father’s rigorous hoops to gain employment, so I assume you have the skills to win a game of hide and seek.”
He smirks at the thinly veiled compliment.
“You’ll lose them, Aaron.” I turn my attention out my side window, watching the towering city buildings grow smaller and smaller. “I have faith in you.”
He cuts down side streets. Treks back onto main roads.
We reach a less densely populated industrial area with far fewer cars where Geppet turns down a desolate street.
There’s no sign of life in sight. No lights follow. There’s absolutely no glow from another vehicle traveling behind us.
I’m alone with Geppet. Nobody but me, myself, and I to finish this.
“What a fuckin’ rush.” He twists his hands around the steering wheel. “That was close for a minute. But I lost them.”
“Good.” I nod, ignoring the empty chasm that grows inside me.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” I drag in a weary breath, playing my role. “I’m just trying to make sense of all this. I didn’t expect car chases and secondary locations. If my brothers had their men follow you to the diner, it means they know we’re working together.”
He reaches over, placing a palm on my thigh and lightly squeezing. “It’ll be worth it.”
I know it will. Anything is worthwhile if it means I find Tilly. What’s concerning is how he’s already taking liberties with my body.
His fixation on sleeping with me is building. I can hear it in his voice. Can feel it in the slight rub of his fingertips. But if he becomes solely focused it also means he can become completely blindsided.
I’ve always gained control with men who think with their dicks. Tonight will be no different.
Just one last time, Bree.
“I have to admit, I’m looking forward to getting you in bed.” His touch moves higher on my leg. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”
I paste on a smile, hiding my self-hatred behind fuck-me eyes. “Are you sure that’s not the thrill of the car chase making you excited?”
He chuckles and returns his attention to the road. “No. This hard dick is all for you, baby girl.”
The self-loathing increases, lathering me in a thick layer I’m sure I’ll never be able to remove. He continues driving farther away from the city, taking the freeway to fast-track us toward isolation.
“So, how do we do this?” I slide my hand over his, my fingertips dancing along his knuckles, my traitorous mind comparing their size, shape and texture to the last man I touched.
“Well…” He grins. “First, I thought you’d suck me off, then I’ll tell you what your mom has planned for your daughter tonight.”
My pulse falters.
He’s too crude. Too callous.
“Then we’re going to take a ten-minute breather to let my cock regenerate before I fuck you in exchange for her location.” He shoots me a wink, and I struggle to remain in character. “And after another ten-minute breather, I’m going to blow a load in that perfectly sculpted ass of yours as payment for giving you a ride back into the city.”
I measure my breathing. Ignore my disgust.