“Good to know.”
Her eyes close, and she puckers her lips. She is kind of cute—in a slurring, intoxicated, outsider kind of way.
But I don’t kiss her.
Again, my mother taught me better than that. And you just don’t kiss intoxicated women who are talking crazy. At least, I’m pretty sure this is crazy for Meg. From everything I heard before, I’d guess she doesn’t normally request a seduction.
Still, I think the girl is in need of some fun, and I’ve got nothing and everything planned for my first week of summer. The least I can do is take her to Gracie’s reception and show her an authentic Hawaiian good time. Sure, she’d be doing me a favor. My aunties’ lips would zip right up. But then, I truly think I’d be doing her a favor too.
“Meg,” I say, knowing I’m crossing a line here because she already said no to this. A very sober no. But hey, I’m not kissing her. “Remember, tomorrow night is my cousin’s wedding. Maybe you’ve changed your mind. You could still be my date. What do you think?” I say with allthe confidence of a mother setting her chubby Hawaiian boy in front of a plate of malassadas. Will the kid down the deep-fried dough? You know he will.
She opens her eyes, sapphire gems blinking up at me. “Will you kiss me, then?”
I lift my brows. “Sure. If that’s what you want. Tomorrow, when all that lemonade is out of your system, I’ll kiss you.”
She grins, shuts her eyes, and hums.
“Meg,” I say, making sure she can hear this. She’ll remember—at least, I’m pretty sure two hard lemonades don’t wipe most memories. Who knows? Maybe this girl is that light.
“I’ll pick you up at five, okay?”
“Okay,” she says, clasping her hands and folding them beneath her chin. I fold half of the comforter over the top of her body, the half she isn’t lying on, and tuck her in for the night.
Before I go, I scribble on the pad of paper on her nightstand, right next to where she sleeps. Just in case.
I’m so glad you changed your mind. See you at five for our date.
I sleep until noon. Noon. I can’t remember the last time I slept so long. And my head hurts. I should never have downed those two lemonades. Never. My back hurts too.
Oh, that’s right, I slipped off of the table I had decided to dance on and landed right on my back.
Back, head, eyes. Ugh. Kill me now.
There’s a reason I don’t normally drink. And this is it. Maybe this is also the reason I don’t normally vacation.
I sit up, my head swirling, and reach for the hotel phone on my end table. I need room service. I need water. And coffee. And toast. And to never ever leave this room again.
My hand pauses just above the corded receiver. My eyes lock on a handwritten note with a penmanship I don’t recognize.
I must still be drunk—because this cannot be accurate. I’m reading this wrong. I start from the beginning and say the words out loud. Maybe they’ll make some sense if I can hear them. “I’m so glad you changed your mind. See you at five for our date. Kal.” I shut my eyes, but it doesn’t help, I only see Kal’s messy script behind my lids. “Date?” I flip the napkin over. Surely he’d leave his number if we were going out. But I see nothing.
How am I supposed to cancel now?
Holy moly.
I know, I will be conveniently gone at five o’clock. That’s how. If I’m not here, he can’t pick me up.
At four thirty, I decide I can’t hide inside my room any longer. Sure, I’ve been nursing an infant-sized hangover, but mostly, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m good at work. I’m good at organizing.
My mother was right though—this place isn’t me. I may not say the words out loud, but it’s obvious…Even Kyle was right to doubt me being here. Although, making the whole thing up is childish. And I’m not childish. He’s a prize-winning jerk for that.