Page 53 of Her Runaway Vacay

I’ve got an answer for this dilemma. And it is a dilemma. Because those tears in her eyes make me think she might love me as much as I love her.

“For the record, I like you too,” I say—to which I’m rewarded with a little smile, but no steps closer. “And for the record, you are Spontaneous Meg. I didn’t make her up. I didn’t create her. You got on that plane all by yourself. Maybe you aren’t spontaneous all of the time. But that was you in Hawaii, Meg.” I take two steps closer. Seven feet, Meg. Don’t let me down. “You can be both, you know. Spontaneous and sensible.” I clear my throat. “So how about this? Sometimes I’ll be Boy Scout Kal, prepared and one hundred percent responsible. And sometimes you’ll be Spontaneous Meg. Some days we’ll be spontaneous together, and some days we’ll be all work.” I give her one more step. “Some may say we’re opposites, but I say we’re complements. You complement me. I complement you. Most of all, Meg, I want you. All of you. Sensible and spontaneous. Pants and all.”

I let out a breath, my speech finished. It was a pretty nice speech, mind you. But the girl isn’t moving. She wipes at a falling tear, but her feet don’t budge.

“I’ll be Sandy,” I try. “I can do all the changing. You tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. You want me in pants? I’m in.”

“No,” she shakes her head and gives me one blessed step. Come on, baby. Five steps away. “I don’t want you to change either,” she says. “You shouldn’t do that.”

“Perfect. That’s settled. Neither of us is changing. Except for one little thing—”

Her cheeks are pink, and her eyes well up with worry. “What one thing?” she asks.

“Location.” I waggle my finger, beckoning her closer. “Please, for the love of all that is holy. Come here, woman.”

And finally—finally, her feet move forward. Five short steps.

“I love you, Meg,” I say cocooning my arms around her.“The real you.”

Her eyes crease with a watery smile. “Pants and all?”

My lips turn up in a half-grin. “Pants and all. So I’m hoping you might like me back.”

“I might,” she says.

I raise my brows—just a little. I did come all the way from Hawaii. I’m hoping for a tad more than that.

She doesn’t disappoint. “I love you, too, Kalani Jex.” She link wraps her arms around my neck, fitting in my embrace perfectly. A week was way too long to go without holding her. I have no intention of ever doing that again.

“I’m serious, Meg.” I peer down at her, my nose brushing hers. “I don’t care who moves, but one of us has to. That commute is way too long. And I refuse to live three thousand miles away from you any longer.”

She pulls me close, her breath warm on my cheek, depleting any space between us worth complaining about.



“Baby, I think you need to try the pants on.”

Kal wrinkles his nose. “I’d rather not. You aren’t my mother or my boss, so—that’s gonna be a hard pass.”

“It is twenty degrees out there today. Twenty, Kal. Your cute little Samoan legs are going to freeze.” I hold up the jeans I bought him last week—the ones he keeps ignoring.

“There’s nothing little about my legs.”

“I’m sorry.” I pull in a breath through my nose. “You may want to put these pants on your very manly legs. It’s snowing.”

“Shoot.” Kal holds a fist to his mouth. “Not snow.”

“Yes. That’s what happens in November in Wyoming. Besides, I am certain you’ll look mega sexy in jeans.”

He swipes the pants from my grasp. “Not true.”

“Extremely true.”

“Are you sure we have to go outside?” he says.

“To pick out a tree at the Christmas tree farm…yeah, I’m pretty sure.” I give him my best—I’m sorry face.