The magic in the gates lets us through, shutting firmly behind the carriage and sealing me off from my homeland. There are seven of these gates, one leading from each land into the city. Once on Drathlor land, the changes are immediate. Although the land is mostly empty, the grass is green, and plants grow tall. The few wooden buildings we see as we travel down the brick road are well maintained. The river flows to the right of the carriage, the water clear and teeming with fish. Even the ground beneath us seems to thrum with energy, just another reason why we continue to follow King Drath. For some reason, beyond the walls of the city, our lands are slowly dying. They have been for a while, like the life is being sucked from them, which is part of the reason that our main cities are on the coastline.

Within a few minutes, the houses begin to appear around us, and before long, we’re in the city proper. Despite the sun having long been set, the streets are bustling with people. Most of the humans who live here will have retired for the night, but other denizens of the land are only just waking.

As a born vampire, I am actually a living being, unlike the changed. Because of this, I have needs like any living creature, such as sleeping. I can go much longer without sleep than most, and I only need to rest for a far shorter amount of time before being back at full strength. The sun doesn’t affect me like it does with the changed either. While they can only cope for very short amounts of time under direct sunlight, I am able to spend a full day without dying. However, I wouldn’t come out completely unscathed, and it would leave me drained of energy.

We’re only minutes away now, our guards and escorts leading the way on horseback. Geoff is sitting upright with a neutral expression, brushing down his immaculate maroon jacket and dark trousers. Looking out the carriage window once more, I see a large, looming structure ahead.

King Drath’s castle.

Right in the centre of the city, the King’s abode is huge, the complex larger than my whole city back in my land. Large, imposing walls surround it, containing its own city within. The lords, ladies, and those with higher social status live in the massive houses on the manicured grounds leading up to the castle. Here, they are able to go about their lives without having to regularly interact with those they consider lower than themselves. They also benefit from being close to the king. Not only is it easier to separate the classes this way while rewarding those loyal to him, but the king is also able to keep an eye on the nobility.

Over time, I have noticed that although the city looks as though it’s thriving from a distance, there are signs of depravity if you know where to look. Even now, as I glance down a dark, hidden alley, I see bodies leaning against the wall—alive or dead, I’m unable to tell at first glance, but from the hunched over figure of a vampire covered in blood, I’m guessing that if they aren’t dead, it won’t be long until they are. Guards line the streets, keeping order, yet I notice they are simply moving anyone who looks out of place, ensuring the streets appear more in order than they are.

One can’t simply hide poverty and pretend it’s not there. All cities have a poor area to them, and the one I’m from is no exception, but there’s corruption here that always makes me uncomfortable. I’ve spent enough time here over the years to notice the difference.

We’re allowed through the gates, and our journey up the winding road to the castle is uneventful. While I’ve done this trip many times over the years, apprehension has its grip on me. I’m not sure what to expect this time. Feeling eyes on me, I glance over to see Geoff’s frown, sensing the difference in me. He looks as though he wants to say something and is trying to decide how to word it when the carriage pulls to a stop.

The door opens, and a tall male stands in the doorframe, bowing stiffly at the waist. Something about him tells me that I’ve met him before, yet I can’t place where I recognise him from. There’s nothing remarkable about his appearance, and if not for the subtle glow of his eyes, I might have mistaken him for a human. I know all of the footmen and king’s messengers, and I am sure he’s never been in one of those roles before. Perhaps he’s been promoted?

Geoff climbs from the carriage before turning back and offering me his hand. This is a tedious tradition, but one he’s insisted on maintaining while we’re here. I am perfectly capable of climbing from the carriage myself, and the look I give my escort tells him that. Of course, Geoff is the master of being emotionless, and he ignores me, assisting me down the single step and onto solid ground.

“Lady Anthea, welcome back to Drathlor Castle,” the male greets, his face as expressionless as Geoff’s. “I am Warren, and I shall be acting as your aide and the link between you and the king.”

An aide and link to the king. I’ve never been assigned one of those before. I assume the change is due to the fact that I’m about to marry his son. Nodding as though I was expecting this all along, I clasp my hands in front of me.

“Thank you, Warren. Am I to meet with my betrothed now?”

This question makes my chest clench with apprehension, which takes me by surprise. Why am I so anxious about meeting the man I’m about to marry? I’ll have to meet him sooner or later, and I would rather our first meeting not be at the altar.

It seems that I worry for nothing, though, as Warren eyes me up and down with a look of distaste, obviously finding my riding gear inappropriate for a meeting with the royals. “The king thought you might like the chance to freshen up first.”

“How thoughtful.” The words sound drier than intended, not quite able to hold back my sarcasm. “Are the other brides here yet?” Perhaps I can meet with some of them and see if they know more about what’s going to happen.

Warren looks disapproving again, only this time it is not aimed at me. “All but the lady from Barheer.”

This doesn’t surprise me. Barheer belongs to the beasts, and of all the races, they are not known for their promptness, and their feral natures make them unreliable at best. Not to mention, like vampires, the beasts often prefer to travel in the dark.

Humming thoughtfully, I glance at Geoff, silently checking that everything’s in order. At the slight dip of his head, I clear my throat and clap my hands together expectantly. “In that case, I shall retire to my rooms.”

“Very good, my lady.” He seems pleased to get rid of me, a slight spring in his step that wasn’t there before. He crooks his finger, calling someone forward. I’m not able to see anyone in the gloom, but a figure hurries towards us. “This is your attendant. She will help care for you while you are here.”

Stepping closer to the aide, Geoff places a hand on his arm and guides him towards the side entrance of the castle. “Warren, I have several matters I wish to discuss with you regarding Lady Anthea’s stay.”

I take a deep breath and turn to see Felix and several attendants are already caring for the horses and moving the carriage now that it’s no longer needed. Two guards remain with me, and for a crazy moment, I consider how easy it would be to disable them and flee. I’m fast and smart, so I think I could get into the city proper without any incidents, but then I would need to make alliances to help hide me…

What am I thinking?

If I flee, I’ll damn my people. Where are all these traitorous thoughts coming from? I’ve never felt like this before. Squeezing my eyes shut, I work through the breathing exercises one of my tutors taught me to help calm my emotions.

A quiet cough has my eyes flying open, and I’m spinning before I even realise what I’m doing, dropping into a defensive position.

“Oh!” A petite female shrinks back from me, her eyes going impossibly wide at my show of aggression. Her long, blonde hair is pulled back into a neat braid, exposing her pale skin. Her almost black eyes would mark her for one of the changed, even if her scar wasn’t visible to all.

Sighing, I stand upright and press a hand to my temple. “Apologies, I was lost in my thoughts,” I explain quietly, not expecting much of a response from her given my previous interactions with maids.

“Greetings, Lady Anthea, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she replies, recovering quickly. Her voice is steady, but I don’t miss the slight tremble in her hands as she gestures to the doorway behind her. “If you are ready, please follow me to your quarters.”

Although I’ve been visiting the castle for half of my life, and I certainly don’t need a guide, I keep my thoughts to myself, nodding and gesturing for her to lead the way. Feeling bad that I frightened my attendant, I try to make up for it with some light conversation.