The brides are rarely allowed to mingle, and now they are actually creating opportunities for us to meet. This has to be due to the upcoming wedding. Other than the humans, the rest of the denizens of this continent are long-lived, meaning that nothing happens particularly quickly. We age slowly and hold grudges for a long time, which makes us reluctant to act rashly. This means that everything is meticulously planned and has a reason behind it. The brides suddenly being thrown together isn’t just a casual decision.
Wary at this sudden change, I smooth my expression and dip my head in agreement. Thankfully I’m already dressed, and when I step out into the shared living space, I find Geoff waiting for me. He obviously had a chance to change as well, his dark green jacket fitting like a glove and his hair slicked back. He appraises me just as I assess him, and other than a tiny nod of approval, he says nothing about my gown.
Bright approaches with a purple cloak that matches my dress, the silver fastenings at the neck giving the appearance of a choker rather than clasps. It sets off the whole outfit, and I feel ready for battle, my dress as my armour.
Geoff dismisses Bright with a wave of his hand, not bothering to look at my attendant as he offers me his arm. “I can take it from here.”
From the corner of my eye, I see Bright simply curtsy and scurry from the room, seemingly not offended by the casual disdain my escort held towards her. Unfortunately, this type of behaviour towards the changed is not uncommon in Trador, and from the fact she didn’t bat an eyelash at her dismissal, I’m guessing it is the same here.
I rest my hand over the top of his arm, and we’re ready to go. Two guards accompany us, stepping ahead and opening the door for us, only for a familiar figure to stumble into the doorway.
“Felix,” I call out in surprise, happiness lacing my words.
He looks dishevelled from travel and getting the horses settled, his clothing dusty and smelling slightly of horse, yet he still looks as handsome as ever. I’ve made a mistake, though, in allowing my pleasure to be witnessed, especially by Geoff. For most races, they wouldn’t question the warmth in my voice, yet for vampires, I practically just shouted my affection for him. In the safety of my lands when it’s just the two of us, I allow myself to be freer with my emotions around him. However, here, affection can be dangerous, and I need to remember not to act too familiar with him. Clearing my throat, I work on keeping my expression neutral, acutely aware of Geoff watching from my side.
He begins to smile in greeting when he finally realises what I’m wearing. His heated gaze travels the length of my body as he assesses each inch of me. “Thea…” He trails off, seemingly lost for words, and gives a slow shake of his head. “You look stunning.” His lips curve up into an appreciative smile.
His reaction does something funny to me, and the feeling of butterflies taking flight in my stomach makes me giddy. I have no idea how to respond, especially with the audience we currently have.
Thankfully for me, Geoff takes that concern from me by releasing my hand and taking a step in front of me, blocking Felix from my sight. “Yes,” he snaps, “and she’s about to be late. Move.”
I’ve never seen Geoff like this before. He’s a master of controlling his emotions, and while I’ve seen him irritated and irked, he’s never appeared this frustrated. In a way, he’s almost acting defensively towards me, as though he’s trying to protect me. This makes no sense though. He knows I’m perfectly capable of protecting myself, and he certainly wouldn’t need to keep me safe from Felix of all people.
“Of course,” my friend replies, looking contrite as he sketches a half bow and hurries out of the way. As we pass him, he gives me a wink so I know he’s not been deterred by my stern guardian.
This time, I’m able to keep myself composed despite my amusement and keep my gaze ahead, guided away by Geoff.
The guards walk ahead of us, leading the way and acting as my protectors. The hallway is deserted. This part of the castle is a new addition, as are the quarters of the other brides, and it’s located away from everyone else, connected to the castle proper by a long, thin bridge. There is one way in and out of my quarters, and as such, it’s rare to see others in the hallway unless they are specifically coming to see me. Any who are afraid of heights would be unable to pass, the covered bridge connecting us to the castle high enough to make even me nervous.
We walk in silence, but I sense something brewing within Geoff and know it’s only a matter of time before he says anything. We are almost at the bridge when he finally speaks again.
“If the changed boy is going to be a problem, I can see that he’s removed from his duties.” He speaks as though he’s discussing the weather rather than the fate of my friend.
My stomach twists with a ball of emotions I don’t know how to cope with as I turn my head to look at him and force a small smile onto my lips. It’s the last thing I want to be doing right now, but if I can play it off lightly, then it might stay that way, and my escort will drop the subject.
“Geoff, he didn’t mean to get in our way. He had no way of knowing we were leaving at that very moment.”
“Do not play dumb with me, Anthea. I wasn’t born yesterday.” The look he gives me is scathing. He and I both know that the issue isn’t Felix’s timing, but our reactions to each other—reactions that neither of us were able to hide.
Not having anything to say to his comment that won’t offend him or make me look like an imbecile, I simply stay silent, my dress swishing quietly in my wake. This was one of the most important things I’ve learned in my training—if in doubt, stay silent.
“Dalliances you had back in Trador is one thing, but you are about to be married. Not only that, but to the son of the man who could see to our ruin.”
Raising my brow, I give him a look. He’s going a little hard considering all I said was Felix’s name. Everything he says is true, but all of this was triggered by a smile. Is there something more here I don’t know? Are our relations with the king so weak that a simple smile could shatter it all? Dread settles in my stomach, and I try to push it aside. There is no point in jumping to conclusions nor panicking unless I’m given a reason to.
“Don’t you think you’re being dramatic?” I finally ask, desperate to end this conversation. “You’re acting as though I stripped naked and fucked him in the corridor for all to see.”
A hand whips out and stops me in my tracks. I frown down at the arm restraining me then turn my attention to Geoff. He looks as serious as ever, his expression telling me not to try and fool him. “I saw how you looked at each other. You’re not nearly as good at hiding your emotions as you should be.” Finally, he releases my arm and sighs, pressing his hands to his temple. I wait patiently, studying the empty hallway. “I’ll drop this for now, Anthea.” His voice carries a warning as he continues. “However, at the first sign of him being inappropriate with you, he’s gone.”
I know a threat when I hear one. Vampires aren’t known for their forgiving natures or doing anything by halves. When Geoff said Felix would be gone, he meant for good. The thought of my friend being killed sparks an anger in me so strongly that I’m snarling before I know what I’m doing. My fangs lengthen, and my senses heighten at the threat, unable to distinguish between the threat of harm and an actual attack.
He crosses his arms over his chest, disapproval radiating from him. “This is exactly what I’m talking about, Anthea.”
I’m overreacting, and I’m not even sure why I reacted so fiercely. There have been reports of vampires going feral when someone they love is hurt or threatened, but Felix is my friend, not a relative or lover.
“He is my friend. You won’t lay a finger on him.” My words are muffled thanks to my extended fangs, and slowly, my rage begins to calm and my body returns to normal. I’m still on edge, but I work hard at making sure my outward appearance is unruffled.
Geoff waits until I’m composed once more before speaking again.