Finnik smiles, his eyes sparkling as he tilts his head to one side, that mischievous look returning. “My younger brother used to call me Fin.”

Storing the information away for another time, I feel tentative relief begin to work its way through me. From his expression, I am guessing he isn’t gravely offended by the nickname, but I need to be sure.

“Is that okay?” My last word is stretched out, unsure as I watch his face.

“Yes.” With my hand still in his, he raises it once more to his lips, keeping his eyes on me the whole time as he kisses my hand. “I would be honoured for you to call me Fin.”

A heavy weight lifts from my chest, and I smile softly. “Then I shall see you later, Fin.”

Flashing a smile again at the name, he turns and leaves the room, nodding to Felix on the way out and ignoring Eli completely. That was a dramatic, intense couple of minutes, and I need a moment to process what just occurred. Emotions shifted and changed so quickly during the conversation that I cannot remember how it even started. Fin left with a smile on his face, while my heart still aches knowing that he will not be leaving with us later today.

Can I cope without him, or will it cause more damage to my fragile heart?

Chapter Twenty-One

“You look exhausted, Thea. How do you feel?” Felix asks quietly, taking a step closer, clearly wanting to reach for me. However, Eli’s presence seems to discourage him.

Chuckling at the question, I rub a hand across my face before answering. “Exhausted.”

Eli looks down at me and frowns, the golden symbols on his face shimmering in the light. “Lie down for a bit, you need to rest.”

The whole world suddenly shifts and tilts as he scoops me into his arms as though I weigh nothing. Yelping in surprise, I grip his shirt as he crosses the short space, placing me gently on the bed.

“I am capable of walking,” I chide, but I am not really mad, because I wasn’t exaggerating when I told Felix I was exhausted.

“I know.” Eli shrugs and smiles, running his hand over my hair. “I was also capable of helping.” Leaning in, he presses a kiss against my head, and panic flashes through me. Is he leaving?

“Wait, don’t go. I don’t want to sleep. That is all I have done for days. Come sit with me.”

He must hear the panic in my voice, as he is instantly by my side, sliding onto the bed next to me and letting me rest against him.

“What would you like to do instead?” Eli asks with a crooked smile.

I know he’s joking, but little does he know that his hint is closer to the truth than he thinks.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” I pause, glancing down at my hands in my lap. “I almost died from the rejection, and I know we are stronger together.”

It is not the clearest of explanations, and I wince at how it sounds. Eli must pick up on where I’m going with my comments, though, because he stills. Felix’s attention feels heavy on me, and everyone in the room seems to be waiting with bated breath.

“What are you saying, Thea?” Eli asks quietly.

Looking up, I allow him to see the truth of what I want in my eyes, no longer holding back my longing.

“Fuck me.” I grip his arm tightly. “Bond with me.”

“Thea…” Looking pained, he removes himself from my side and climbs off the bed, hissing out a long breath. When he turns around, he leans forward and grips the bedpost as if to stop himself from returning to me. “I want you more than anything in the world, and the idea of you being bonded to me so I can make sure you are never hurt again is pounding in my head.” He gestures towards his temples. “It is so strong that I am having to physically hold myself back from pouncing on you right now.” As if in response, the wooden bedpost he is gripping groans under the force of his hands.

He wants me, yet there is something holding him back. If he feels as strongly for me as he claims, then why not give into his instincts? I don’t understand what’s stopping him. Unless… Unless the force that is driving him is the bond and not his true feelings. Is he fighting with himself? A single rejection is one thing, but to be rejected by two mates… There must be something wrong with me.

He must feel my doubt and dejection, because he frowns and leans forward, gripping my chin firmly so I’m unable to look away. “Stop it,” he bites out, shaking his head sharply. “Do not ever doubt my feelings for you. You are my everything, Thea.” With a grumble of annoyance, he releases my chin and seems to force himself to take a step back. “I don’t want our first time to be because you are scared of being rejected again. I will never do that to you. Plus, I don’t want to hurt you, and you’re injured.”

Rolling my eyes, I shift my position. “I’m not injured, at least, not physically. This is a way you can make me feel better.” I smile coyly, looking up at him through my lashes. “I want you to bond with me because I want you, and I want to be able to call you my mate.”

Just saying that word aloud in that context seems to do something to him, his chest expanding and his pupils dilating with desire. To be honest, even I feel something, my body tingling and easing my aching heart, giving me relief for the first time since I was rejected.

I can see how much he wants this, and despite him trying to hide it, the light tremor in his hands gives him away.

“Are you sure?” His voice cracks, and I realise I am going to have to be the one to push this forward.