Alarmed, I try to rear back. “Hey! Get off—”

He pulls back and frowns, not caring in the slightest about my chagrin. “You need to feed.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “When was the last time you had blood?”

I look away, not wanting to get into this conversation. “I don’t remember, I’ve been busy.”

It’s a poor excuse, and we both know it.

“You have to look after yourself, Thea. You’re the key to our salvation,” he scolds, sighing when he sees my stubborn expression. “We’ll stop for now. It will give you a chance to feed.”

I want to tell him to stop fussing and that he’s not my mother, but a figure appears in the doorway. Geoff, my chaperone, spots Finnik and me on the floor, our bodies almost touching. His brow rises, and he meets my eyes, yet he doesn’t comment. Instead, he steps into the room as though nothing about what he sees is compromising.

“Ah, Prince Finnik, Lady Anthea,” Geoff greets, bowing at the waist once he reaches the edge of the training ring. “Prince Havoc has called a grand ball tonight in honour of his betrothed. Anthea, you have the rest of the day off to do as you please until the ball.” He turns to Finnik. “The prince requests your company.”

Finnik frowns, his expression severe. Something about what Geoff said is concerning him, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

My chest tightens. Something about this situation is wrong, my instincts warning me to be careful. Glancing at Geoff and then back to Finnik, I shift my weight and reach out, touching the fae’s shoulder.

“Is everything okay—”

Before I can finish my sentence, Finnik pulls away from me and jumps to his feet. “I shall see you later, Lady Thea.” He bows hastily and then marches from the room, leaving me alone with my advisor.

Chapter Eighteen

“Ispoke with the eldest prince, and he doesn’t know why the ball has been called. What do you think this is about?” Bliss asks, looking ethereal in her glimmering gown. I thought my dress was revealing, but she has me beat. The sirens and merfolk have always had a more open mind when it comes to nudity and sharing their bodies.

Her wavy locks are pinned back with two golden shells, exposing her pointed ears and sharp jawline. The top half of her dress is literally just large enough to cover her breasts, the pearl-lined straps more for decoration rather than having any structural purpose. The skirt is the showstopper, however, made up of layer upon layer of light, gauzy fabric. The colours shift between blue and green like the ocean, with darker purples closer to her body. Each time she moves, it seems to reveal a different shade, the iridescence making it seem magical. It would not surprise me if there was magic woven into the skirt to create that effect, and I cannot wait to see how it looks when she’s spinning on the dance floor.

Bliss’s question confirms something I had been suspecting. Havoc is acting on his own. I have not seen him all day, and something grand and public such as this when he usually doesn’t want to be seen with me at all is out of character. What is the real reason he has arranged this ball, and why at such short notice? If Bliss is right, then his brothers know nothing about this evening, and even Finnik was taken aback by the news this morning. Fear claws its way up my throat, making it harder to take a full breath as all of the horrendous possibilities circle my mind. Out of instinct, I reach out and touch the bond between Havoc and myself, seeking comfort. If I realised what I was doing, I would have stopped myself, but I am so overwhelmed that I reach for my mate. There is no comfort waiting for me. As though it’s a coiled snake waiting inside me, ready to pounce, the connection between us seems to strike me as Havoc viciously pushes me away. Pain radiates throughout my body, and my breath is momentarily stolen away.

“I’m not sure,” I croak out, my voice scratchy.

Bliss is watching me closely, her eyes shining with concern, yet she doesn’t comment on my long pause and wince of pain. She sees everything, so I know she’s aware of each lash of pain I experience from the bond in my chest. Some might think it strange that she doesn’t ask how I am, yet Bliss knows me well enough that she understands I don’t want to talk about it.

“It seems strange that he would throw a ball in your honour when he hasn’t been particularly kind about being your mate,” she comments, pursing her lips with distaste, letting me know exactly how she feels about Havoc and his behaviour.

We are currently in my rooms, so the two of us can speak without fear of being overheard. Even so, Bliss keeps her responses measured, an old habit we all quickly learned when we were first brought here all those years ago. Loose tongues do no one any favours here.

I am determined to go into this with a good mindset. It is hard not to expect the worst, considering my interactions with the prince so far, but perhaps he has finally realised this is our fate.

Besides, Finnik never returned after our sparring session this morning. While his abrupt exit worried me, he would have warned me if something bad was about to happen, right? As Havoc’s confidant and closest friend, the prince would tell Finnik before doing anything too drastic—of that I am sure.

“He wants all the nobility to attend, along with the entire royal family. This has to be a positive thing, right?” I ask, trying to convince myself more than anything, my stomach tying itself in knots.

“Oh, yes, I’m sure it is.” She smiles brightly as she steps forward and brushes back a stray piece of my hair. “The prince is probably doing this as an apology for everything so far.”

“Yes, I’m sure that is it,” I reply, forcing my own, tight smile, but even I don’t sound convinced.

Bliss’s hand drops, her smile quickly following it, replaced with a serious expression. “Thea, I will do what I can to help if you need it.” She puts her hand on my arm, squeezing it in a gesture of support.

Warmth spreads through my chest as I smile at her in return. We might have only met through circumstance, but I found a true friend in her, one that I know would step in to help me even if it jeopardised her position here.

“I know.” I allow my expression to soften. “Thank you, friend.”

There is a light knock on my bedroom door, and we both know our time is up. Our presence is required. Nerves flutter like butterflies in my stomach, causing a riot with their tiny wings. I straighten my posture and adopt a placid expression, watching in fascination as Bliss does the same. Gone is my friend, and in her place is the third bride—unassuming, innocent, and completely mouldable for her position. Little do they know, her personality is like the sea, calm one moment and deadly the next.

Bliss runs a hand through her hair and checks everything is still in place. “I best go, but I shall see you in the ballroom shortly.”

Smiling at the demand in her voice, I nod and watch her leave. The moment the door shuts behind her, I am surrounded by silence, like the quiet before a storm. My mind starts to fill the space, all of my fears and darkness clawing at my insides to be let out.