He finally glances back at me, and I see something in his eyes that looks like hope. “I’m trying to find a way out of us marrying that won’t hurt my people in the process.”

My eyebrows shoot up at how blasé he is about this. “Oh, it’s alright to hurt me though?” Laughing without any hint of humour, I sit back in my saddle and look at him like the stranger he’s turning out to be. “Do you not feel how painful it is each time you speak of rejecting me?”

Regret and frustration seem to war for dominance on his face, and he drags his hands through his hair. Annoyingly, it only makes him more attractive in a rugged, dark prince way.

“I don’t want to cause you any pain, Anthea, but know this, I am only playing along to try and gain more time to find an alternative. I will not marry you. Not now, not ever.”

As expected, the pain that racks through me takes my breath away, and a little part of me notices the prince grimaces, showing that he feels it as well. My pride has been wounded, but moreover, I feel as though I’ve failed my people. Breathing deeply through the waves of agony, I grip the pommel of the saddle to keep myself upright.

As soon as I feel as though I can ride without falling off, I attempt to sit up and meet his torn expression. I shake my head in disappointment and narrow my eyes. “You are a delusional fool.”

Turning Shadow, I encourage her to gallop as fast as she can, leaving the prince behind. It’s all I can do to lean forward and hold on for dear life, needing to put distance between us before I say or do something stupid. The world passes us in a blur, and I would usually love riding this fast, feeling the wind in my hair, but instead, I just feel numb.

The prince doesn’t follow me.

Chapter Thirteen

Felix emerges from the barn as soon as he hears my approach, wearing a polite smile as he prepares to greet me and the prince. His smile quickly drops when he sees I came back alone, as well as the fact I’m practically draped over Shadow’s back.

Any other horse would have dropped me, but Shadow and I have always had a connection that goes beyond that of a normal horse and rider. She looked out for me and changed her speed to make sure I didn’t fall from my saddle.

“Thea!” Felix calls out, the alarm in his voice making me wince. He’s at my side in a heartbeat, his hands on my waist as he helps me down. “What happened?”

Weak from the sun, exhausted, and sore from my escape and the agony of Havoc’s rejection, I’m not quick to answer, my focus on staying upright. Felix curses and calls for one of the stable hands. I’m vaguely aware of him informing the boy to take care of my horse, giving very strict instructions. The next thing I know, his arm is around me, and he’s leading me over to one of the barns.

As soon as we are out of sight, he shuts the doors behind us, and I stumble over to one of the hay bales, using it as a seat. Felix turns and looks at me, anger simmering in his eyes. It’s not aimed at me, but it’s not an expression I see on him often.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No.” I pause as I remember the pain of the rejection and wince. “Well—”

He leans over me and grips my shoulders. “What do you mean, well? If he fucking touched you, I’ll—”

Rolling my eyes at his overprotective behaviour, I put my hand over his lips to stop him. It is my fault for letting the last part of my comment slip through, and I don’t want him going on a rampage, especially over a misunderstanding.

“Don’t be rash, Felix. He would crush you.” Sighing, I lean against him for support. “He doesn’t want me, Felix. He didn’t lay a finger on me.”

I know that Felix thought the prince might have hurt me, but for that to happen, he would have to get over his revulsion of me.

Seeing that my mood is only making Felix more unsettled by the second, I try to pull myself together.

“I’m fine. I just needed to get away and put some distance between us. The pain of his rejection was too much. The more distance there is between us, the quieter the bond is,” I explain with a tight smile. “I can manage now. I’m okay.”

This was supposed to comfort him, but it seems to have the opposite effect. He stills as though he’s made of stone, his eyes locked on me.

“He rejected you?” The question is quiet, his voice deadly soft.

We are all taught about mate bonds when we are young. This isn’t just limited to vampires, but all races in the land. Race does not limit a mate bond. One of the main things we learn about these is that because they are so rare and all-consuming, it is very unusual for them to be rejected. When one does officially reject their mate, it is an extremely painful procedure for both, but more so for the one being rejected, and it often results in a shortened lifespan. Ceremonial words are needed, as well as shedding the blood of their mate, and then the bond will be broken for life. That does not erase it completely though. While they will no longer be bound, they will always feel as though they are missing a part of themselves.

Knowing all of this, I understand why Felix is concerned. I place my hand on his arm and smile sadly, shaking my head.

“No, he hasn’t officially broken the bond. He only told me he will not marry me.” A sharp pain like a dagger hits me as I speak, taking my breath away. I take several deep breaths and meet Felix’s concerned gaze. “Considering how painful it was when he said those words, I don’t think I would survive if he were to officially reject me.”

This is a very real fear for me. If he officially rejects me, then I could die from the pain of the separation. If I die, then the prophecy will not be complete, and my people will suffer for it. All of my training and hard work will have been for nothing.

Sensing my line of thought, he pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around me in a comforting hug.

“You are the strongest female I know. If anyone could survive that, it would be you,” he states firmly. Pressing his mouth to the top of my head, he kisses it before resting his cheek there.