With the fae’s hearing, he must have heard that I’m here, yet he continues speaking, meaning that for some reason, he wants me to hear this conversation.

I hear a snort followed by the sound of striding footsteps. For a moment, I think he is about to leave the room and find me huddled in the hallway, but I hear him spin and return in the other direction. Pacing, he’s pacing.

“I do not believe in your gods.” Havoc sounds as though he’s about to lose his temper, but he surprises me by sighing. “I will find a way out of this without dooming my people. Have faith in me.”

That is what he’s been spending his time doing, trying to find a way out of having to be my mate. Anger washes through me as I push away the sadness that threatens to overtake me. How dare he? He thinks I’m not good enough for him and that he can just toss me aside. If it weren’t for the prophecy, then I would be in the first carriage back to Trador.

“I always do, Havoc,” the fae replies, and despite sounding muffled from being on the other side of a wall, I can still hear the warmth in his voice. The two of them seem to really care for one another.

Finnik clears his throat, and I hear movement in the room. “Your bride approaches.”

Well, that’s my cue to stop eavesdropping and enter the room. I share a look with Geoff, and he wipes the look of frustration from his face before he gestures to the guards to lead us forward once more.

Rolling my shoulders back, I take the few steps to the door that separates us. We are quickly met with Finnik as he opens the door.

Without waiting to be invited in, I step over the threshold, knowing Geoff is following close behind. I give Havoc a tight smile and dip into a curtsy. “Good morning, Your Highness.” My greeting is polite and follows protocol. I will not have anyone saying that my manners were what caused the prince to push me away.

Straightening, I glance over to the fae, his hands clasped behind his back. “Finnik,” I say with the slightest dip of my head. My entire body aches because of what he put me through this morning, and I’m still feeling sore about it.

“Lady Anthea, Geoff,” Havoc greets sharply. Leaning against a desk, he looks like every female’s dream of a handsome prince, his blond hair lightly tousled and his royal jacket pristine. “Anthea, I thought we might get some fresh air and go for a ride.”

The fact that he wants to go for a horseback ride when the sun is up and going to be at its warmest in a couple of hours just goes to show that he either doesn’t care about my comfort or he is so self-involved that he hasn’t thought about it—not to mention the fact that he sounds less than enthusiastic about it.

“Your Highness,” Geoff begins, stepping forward, a frown marring his features, “the morning light will make it very uncomfortable for Lady Anthea, what with her being a vampire and all. Perhaps a more appropriate activity could be arranged.”

“Oh.” He looks at me, his expression one of surprise, but his eyes hold a smug gleam. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s testing me. “Maybe we should cancel the—”

“A horseback ride sounds lovely,” I reply, stopping him before he can get too far. The sunlight won’t kill me, and I will not let him use this as an excuse to get out of spending time with me.

“It won’t be too uncomfortable for you?” His question is said through clenched teeth as he attempts to keep his expression neutral.

“I think you will find that there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for my people.” The retort is barbed, and I see it hit home. I really shouldn’t be baiting him, but I just can’t seem to help it. I am really starting to dislike my mate.

“Havoc,” Finnik warns from his side.

Smiling at me through bared teeth, the prince ignores his friend, balling his hands into fists at his sides. “Wonderful, let’s go.”

As I climb up onto Shadow, I am suddenly very glad that I chose to wear leggings under my skirts. Side saddle has never been a position I adopted. When I ride, I want to ride. I love feeling the strength of my horse beneath me as she moves as fast as the wind.

Felix places his hand on my leg as he helps me adjust my stirrups. We are so close that our faces almost bump into one another. Chuckling quietly, I move back and watch the smile on his face. I love his smile. It literally lightens my day. If only I was going on this ride with him and not my moody mate.

My friend opens his mouth to say something but decides better of it, his smile becoming sad. Rumours travel quickly in this castle, and he’s clearly heard about the animosity between the prince and me. While he knows not to believe everything he hears, it’s clear just by looking at my mate and me that something is not right.

“Are you ready?” Havoc asks impatiently, sitting atop his white stallion.

Biting back a cutting remark, I take a deep breath, share a look of exasperation with Felix, and straighten in my saddle. I take the reins and gently nudge Shadow into a slow walk, steering her towards the prince.

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Without replying, he clucks his tongue, and his horse starts to walk. Shadow matches his speed without me having to direct her until we’re walking side by side. This gives me the perfect chance to admire his horse. Tall and proud, the pure white stallion practically gleams in the light of the rising sun. It must take a lot of grooming to keep him in such good condition. Next to Shadow, they look like a perfect couple.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my black mare is the complete opposite of his white stallion. It is as though fate brought them to us as a visual representation of us.

The sun has peaked over the top of the castle, and its rays are warm on my skin, feeling both comforting and uncomfortable at the same time. If I stay out in the sun for long, then it will drain me, making me weak, but there is enough shade created by the trees that I should manage without too much discomfort. Honestly, it’s so nice to be outside, enjoying the breeze against my skin and being away from the stress of the castle, that I barely even feel the irritation of the sun. Shadow trots beautifully beneath me, needing little direction from me as I bask in the beauty of the land around us.

The parts of the land closest to the castle are manicured and hold an array of flowers and exotic plants. However, the farther we explore, the less pruned the land is, as though nature is taking back the space for herself. It’s perfect.

I have no idea how long we’ve been out exploring in silence, but I feel comfortable with the prince like this. He seems lost in his own thoughts, and a contemplative quiet has descended over us. After what must be at least ten minutes, I decide to break the silence.