“He rejected me, again.” I hardly recognise my own voice, the stranglehold on my throat making speech difficult.
Why am I telling him this? Not only did he witness both episodes, but he is best friends with the prince, so his alliances are clear. Could it have something to do with the fact that Finnik’s presence seems to help me function despite the internal torment I’m currently experiencing? Or is it because he’s the first person to come to my aid after the prince left?
Either option could be possible, or it could simply be that I am turning into a person who shares all of their thoughts aloud as they experience them. All I know is that he is here now, helping me. I have never seen him dance before, so I imagine this is going to start some gossip that he jumped in to dance with me when the prince stalked off. There is also a high possibility that he stepped in to help his friend save face.
“He has not officially rejected you, there is still a chance the two of you can work through this.” Lifting his chin, he focuses on the people around us once more, and I realise with surprise that other couples have joined us on the dance floor.
An ember of hope sparks to life inside me as I consider his words. Havoc and I could still make this work. I haven’t failed my people yet.
“You would be feeling a lot worse if he rejected you like that.”
The comment is said conversationally, and I think he means it as a comfort, but it feels more like a threat. Honestly, I’m more taken aback by the fact that I could feel any more wretched than I already do.
“This pain gets worse?” Any worse, and I think it would kill me.
He sighs and gives me a look of what I think is supposed to be sympathy. It is gone in a flash, though, and replaced by a smirk, his perfect dark brows creasing. “You are the one from the prophecy, not him.” His face is close now, his stare intense. “Pull yourself together and get through this.”
The advice isn’t said to be kind, and there is zero warmth coming from him, but he’s right. This isn’t about Prince Havoc, it’s about completing my destiny as one of the brides. My focus becomes clearer, and I study the male before me.
“Why are you helping me? He’s your friend.”
The more I think about it, the more I realise he’s potentially creating problems for himself. He could be seen as going against his friend, dancing with the bride he rejected.
“He’s like my brother,” the fae says with a dip of his head, “but I don’t always agree with his decisions.” The music fades, and the dance comes to an end. Partners move around us, preparing for the next dance, and he stops us short, locking eyes with me once more as he gives me a short bow. “Enjoy your evening, Lady Anthea.”
“It’s Thea,” I call out, but he’s already halfway across the ballroom, disappearing into the shadows created by the alcoves and bright lights. He’s probably on the lookout for Havoc. What will he say to him?
It doesn’t matter, and I won’t waste any more time stressing over the prince this evening. No good can come from it, and there are no solutions that I can manage for this evening.
Funnily enough, I find that Finnik’s words have a positive effect on me, and I am able to straighten my back and hold my head high. I don’t have the ability to shift my face into a mask of smug indifference, so I settle on a neutral expression as I make my way back to Geoff, who is waiting for me.
Standing in a line with the other advisors that mirrors the order of the brides, Geoff dips his head in greeting, stepping up to my side as I return to my place. Despite the cool aloofness he portrays, I can feel his anger, and I brace myself for his disapproval.
“That was an interesting first dance.” He doesn’t take his gaze off the twirling couples on the dance floor, his lips pursed and hands clasped behind his back. Geoff is not one to make a scene, so the fact he is even mentioning it now means that heads will roll.
I also watch the dancers, needing to keep up the pretence that everything is fine and going to plan. Keeping my voice quiet and even, I explain, “I did what I could. The pain—”
His gaze jerks to mine, cutting me off with the intensity of his stare. “You did your duty. It was the prince who failed you.” Slowly, as though remembering where we are, he returns to watching the nobles milling around the ballroom. “Our king will hear about this.”
The promise in his words both terrifies and reassures me. You do not mess with Geoff. He may seem like a calm escort and advisor, but he is also one of the best swordsmen I have ever seen and is fiercely loyal to his king and kingdom. There was a reason he was chosen to watch over me.
Knowing that he has my back in this and is furious on my behalf is… gratifying. I have someone who supports me, not to mention Felix. I can only imagine his reaction when he discovers what happened tonight. A pang in my chest makes me wish he was here, only it was made very clear that assistants and anyone who was not a noble was not invited. It is probably for the best, as he would threaten to tear out the prince’s throat for the way he treated me.
My stomach clenches painfully, and I know I will have to feed soon. Vampires are able to go days without feeding, but the longer we go without, the harder it is to control our baser natures. The strain that Havoc’s rejections has put on me is making it harder to curb those desires.
Movement from farther down the line catches my attention, and from the corner of my eye, I spot Bliss making her way towards me, her escort following dutifully behind. While it is not forbidden for us to move about the hall, it is frowned upon. Personally, I believe it is another way to keep us separate, as we are much easier to control than if we were to band together.
Standing next to me, she places her hand on my arm. Thankfully, Ember, the second bride, is currently on the other side of the room being introduced to several of the nobles, so she is unable to hear us.
“Thea, is everything okay? Your dance with the prince looked a little… strained.”
Bliss already knows about Havoc’s first rejection of me, hence her concern for me now. However, here in front of everyone, especially with Geoff at my side, I don’t want to speak about this newest episode while we could be overheard.
“Just a little case of cold feet I believe,” I reply with a tight smile, hoping she reads between the lines and realises what I’m trying to tell her. “All will be fine.”
Nodding slowly with understanding, the siren examines my face. “It was kind of Finnik to step in and dance with you.”
Kind. Her comment makes me want to snort, yet I know what she is asking. Curiosity flashes in her eyes, and I wish I was able to speak with her candidly. The fae has never shown an interest in dancing with anyone before, so for him to step in is monumental for the castle gossips.