“Prince Havoc is an entitled fool,” Geoff spits, still furious. “He can’t just refuse to marry you—not when the prophecy insists you marry. He is your mate, it is his responsibility and duty. If our realm falls, his will too.” He’s practically shouting now, which I’ve never seen from him before. I didn’t even know he was capable of experiencing emotions like this.

We get back to my rooms, the guards opening the doors for us to pass through. Back in our space, I feel more comfortable and know we can’t be overheard, but it’s not home no matter how we try to pretend otherwise. Kicking off my heels, I groan with relief and reach up to remove the circlet in my hair. I’m ready to fall into bed, and with the way I feel, I will swan dive in and surround myself with cushions. If I don’t remove my shoes and jewellery now, then I’ll be sleeping in it.

“We should strategize and come up with a plan.”

Groaning, I turn around and see my advisor pacing the length of the shared living space. This is how he manages when situations go wrong, but I don’t have the energy to sit around and discuss my rejection in detail.

“Geoff, I’m exhausted, and my heart feels like it’s been stabbed. I need to sleep.”

He looks at me for a moment, on the edge of arguing with me. However, hearing the plea in my voice, his expression softens, and he sighs, rubbing a hand across his face. “Fine, get some sleep, and we’ll plan when you wake.”

Turning, I hustle towards my rooms, my dress swishing around me when Felix steps into my path.

“Thea…” He trails off when he sees my face, obviously sensing my dejection. He’s at my side in a second, clasping my shoulders. “What happened?”

I know that if I talk to him, I’ll end up breaking down, and that’s something I won’t do in front of my guards and escorts. Instead, I pull away from his hold and gesture for him to follow me into my bedroom.

He frowns, clearly confused why I would need to speak to him in my room, but he immediately follows, shutting the door quietly behind him.

I stand in front of the mirror, my back turned to him as I attempt to suppress my pain, my eyes stinging with tears. “The prince doesn’t want me.” It’s supposed to sound casual, a fact that’s not tearing me up inside. What actually comes out is scratchy and strangled. “He thinks I’m a disgusting creature and refuses to marry me.”

“Oh, Thea.” He steps up behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder, and looks at me in the mirror. “You are beautiful inside and out, don’t let him tell you otherwise.”

Tears track down my cheeks at his sweet words. I don’t know why I’m so upset, but there is something about Felix that makes me feel more real, and I become more vulnerable and honest about my feelings. It’s the complete opposite of what our kind believes.

Felix makes a noise of comfort and wraps his arms around me. I’m expecting a hug, but when he lifts me, I don’t protest, instead leaning against his chest. He carries me over to my bed and gently places me down, pulling the sheets over me even though I’m still dressed.

I don’t know why I’m crying. I’ve never been one to cry over a male before, and as I consider it, I realise that I’m not sad he doesn’t like or want me. That doesn’t bother me. I know others find me attractive. He doesn’t have to find me attractive to marry me. While it stings that he already decided that he didn’t want me because of my race, that’s not the reason for my tears. I can’t do anything about the fact that I was born a vampire, so yes, I’m offended at his blatant dislike of my people.

However, what truly makes me upset is that I’m not good enough. If I was a better first bride, he might have liked me and at least given it a go for the good of our people. Rejecting me means the prophecy won’t come to pass, and my people will die. War will ravage our lands, all because the prince said no.

Felix shuts the blackout curtains and turns to leave. Something akin to panic forms in my chest, and I reach out before I even realise what I’m doing.

“Don’t leave.”

Felix freezes, his expression torn. “Thea, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Rejection stings again, and pain laces through me, causing me to wince as it steals my breath. I couldn’t be like this with anyone else, they wouldn’t understand, and Felix is one of my closest friends. I need him right now. When I wake up, I’ll be back to my normal self and make a plan with Geoff and the others. Here and now, though, I need to be vulnerable.

“Please.” My voice cracks. “Just hold me until I fall asleep.”

I see the moment he decides to stay, something in his eyes shifting. He approaches the bed, pulling the sheets tightly around me and climbing on. My rational mind is telling me that if I was found with another male in my bed, it would spell bad news for all of us, which is why he’s lying on top of the covers, using it to separate us. My rational mind is currently not in control, however, and it just feels like more rejection.

I stop caring as soon as he wraps his arms around me though, his muscular body pressing against mine. The covers do little to stop me from feeling the ridges of his muscles.

“I’ve got you,” he whispers, pulling me close.

Something in my chest loosens, and for just a moment, the pain from the prince’s refusal eases. Felix smells like home, and with him close to me, it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.

I’m not sure when he left my rooms during the day, but when I wake up from nightmares of being rejected over and over, he’s no longer at my side. Tossing and turning, I try to go back to sleep, but the words from the dream echo in my mind.

Not good enough. You’re not good enough.

Chapter Seven

The welcome ball, held once every year at the beginning of the brides’ six month stay, is something King Drath has hosted for the last five years, and it is opulent to the extreme.

Originally, the king started it in preparation for when we are officially introduced to the kingdom as the chosen brides. However, it would be next to impossible for someone not to know who we are thanks to our upbringing. It did give us the opportunity to practice attending an event with so many creatures from different realms, as we’ve mostly been brought up in isolation away from everyone else.