I click to my conversation with Olivia and save the photo of Mateo she sent to me. He’s leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, a slight smile just barely making his dimple show. His feelings for me are on open display all over his face.
Ed Sheeran’s voice is quietly singing “Magical,” and my fingers tap along with the refrain. I click my phone off and hold it to my chest, closing my eyes. If this magic isn’t what it feels like to be in love, I sure don’t know what is.
The next morning, I wake slowly, in no rush to leave my warm cocoon of blankets. I dart one hand out to grab my phone to check the time. My phone screen reads 9:38 a.m. along with text notification icons. I unlock it and see that Mateo sent me a text at 7:30 this morning.
Check your email. Early Christmas present
I smile to myself and sit up, readjusting my blankets around my shoulders. I open my email and see several marketing messages. At first, I don’t see anything obviously from Mateo, but then I notice an email from The Piano Guys website with an attachment. I open it to see a digital download of the sheet music to their version of “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. In the additional notes section of the email is a message from Mateo: Will you learn this one next?
Grinning to myself, I immediately download the PDF and send it to my parents’ printer. I get out of bed and pull on my slippers and two sweatshirts. Rushing downstairs, I call “Good morning” as I breeze past my parents to retrieve the music from the printer. I flip through the pages. Sheesh, this is challenging. I unlock my phone to text Mateo.
1. You are the sweetest ever. 2. You massively overestimate my piano skills
Seconds later, the three dots start bouncing.
I don’t think it’s possible to overestimate you
And now you’ve beat me to thoughtful Christmas gifts already. Not even a heads up to get you something. Unfair
I already have everything I want
Just start practicing the song so I can hear you play it. Christmas gift
Sigh. I can’t even scold you without you being sweet
Enjoy your day with your family
I will. Sorry you have to head straight back to work mode for soccer
It’s okay. There’s a lot of pressure on us to perform since we won last year and had an undefeated season. I know coach is just trying to give us our best shot
Call me later tonight?
Of course. Now go practice the piano
I walk back to the kitchen to get coffee and give my parents a proper morning greeting.
“What on earth were you printing at this time of day?” my mom asks with a mouth full of polvorosa.
I laugh. “Healthy breakfast there, Mom.” She holds out the container to me with an inviting little shake, and I can’t help but reach in and take one for myself. I pour coffee into my favorite Christmas mug and say, “Mateo bought me some new Piano Guys sheet music as an early Christmas gift.”
My mom makes a little “Hmmm” sound as I sit down at the table between her and Dad. I raise my eyebrows at her, and she says, “It’s a very thoughtful gift. From a boy who seems to think very much of you.”
I don’t even blush, just grin at her comment. “He does, doesn’t he?”
“He has my blessing if he asks,” my dad says without even looking up from the news on his phone.
“What? We’re all thinking it, Lana. Seems just a matter of time,” he declares, as though stating a well-known fact.
I chew a bite of polvorosa and pull my knees up to my chest on my chair. Pretending to study the sheet music in front of me, my mind is thinking back to my stolen moments yesterday with Mateo in the hallway and outside by his truck.