But the moment I watched that first alpine sunrise cast its fiery glow over the craggy peaks, I knew I was home.

And when Stylz holds me like this, our bodies slotting together with the same natural ease as two puzzle pieces, I feel a sense of rightness so profound it steals my breath.

Like the universe has finally clicked into its proper alignment.

I groan as the first vibrant rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, beckoning me to start my day. "Ugh, I have to get ready for work."

Stylz tightens his arms around my waist, his warm breath tickling the nape of my neck. "Call out sick. Stay with me instead."

“And just what did you have in mind for us?"

A slow, wicked grin spreads across his ruggedly handsome features. "Oh, I can think of a few things to fill our day." He leans in, lips brushing tantalizingly against my ear. "But first, how about we go for a little hike?"

Forty minutes later, I'm lacing up a pair of well-worn hiking boots—a far cry from the impractical designer heels I favored not so long ago. My gaze drifts to Stylz, who lounges against the truck with his arms crossed over that broad, muscular chest, watching me.

"What?" I challenge, arching one eyebrow.

The corner of his mouth quirks up in that sexy half-grin. "Nothing. Just admiring how good you look properly outfitted for the great outdoors, is all."

I snort, giving his arm a light shove as I brush past him. "Keep it in your pants. We've got trails to hit."

The rumbling chuckle that follows sends a fresh wave of heat blazing through me. God, I love how easily we've fallen into this playful, crackling banter—even when tackling activities entirely outside my former comfort zone.

Like now, as the truck kicks up clouds of dust along the winding mountain roads, carrying us deeper into the vast, unspoiled wilderness. We travel for what seems like an eternity, until Stylz veers off onto a barely-there trail, the truck jostling and bouncing over the uneven terrain.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groan, gripping the door handle in a white-knuckled grip.

Stylz just laughs, eyes sparkling with mischief. "What, this? This is nothing. Just a nice little warm-up for our hike."

Sure enough, a few miles later we reach the trailhead—a rugged expanse carved into the side of a mountain. Part of me still balks at the prospect of trekking off into that untamed unknown. But a bigger part thrums with exhilaration.

So I swallow down my token complaint as I follow Stylz's broad-shouldered form up the winding trail.

For the next hour, we hike in a comfortable silence, the only sounds our boots scuffing against the rocky path and the occasional bird trill piercing the air. My calves burn with the exertion, but there's something grounding about pushing my body to conquer this rugged terrain, surrounded by the majestic grandeur of the peaks.

When we finally crest a rise, Stylz comes to an abrupt halt, and I nearly plow right into that solid wall of muscle. "Hey, watch it..." I begin, the words dying on my lips as I take in the breathtaking vista before us.

We've emerged onto a rocky ledge jutting out from the mountain, offering a sweeping panorama of the entire Silverpine Valley below. The lush evergreen forests and winding river seem to glow in the morning light, while the jagged peaks slice across the horizon in an endless stretch of snowcapped majesty.

"Wow..." I exhale, the word a reverent whisper as I drink in the splendor. "It's... God, Stylz, it's stunning."

"Yeah." His gravelly murmur beside me is soft, weighted with unmistakable emotion. "Took my breath away the first time I saw it, too."

My brow furrows as realization trickles in—a vague recollection of another sweeping vista much like this one.

"Stylz," I begin slowly, turning to face him. "Is this...?"

He nods, his expression a mixture of tenderness and that blazing intensity that still has the power to liquefy me from the inside out. "The same spot where I took you on our first hike.”

“While we were waiting on the centerpieces,” I recall. How could I have known that impromptu detour would set us on a path leading here, to this incredible life we've created together?

Stylz moves closer until he's directly facing me, taking my hands in his calloused ones. His eyes are shining with emotion and certainty. "This is where I first knew.”

“First knew?” I ask.

“When you took those ridiculous high heels off and stomped up to this lookout in your bare feet, that’s when I knew I was done for. That’s when I knew you were it for me.”

He trails off, digging into the pocket of his well-worn hiking pack until he pulls out a small box. My breath catches in my throat as he opens it to reveal a stunning diamond ring nestled inside.