He nods, seemingly content to let a comfortable silence fall between us. For a few heartbeats, the only sounds are the distant chirping of nightbirds and the gentle whisper of the breeze through the pines. My thoughts drift to my sister and her wedding, and I suddenly remember something.

"You know that cabin Daisy and Wyatt rented for their honeymoon?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He angles toward me slightly, leaning against the railing.

"With the snow we've been getting, I was thinking I should probably go out there. Make sure the generator's running, stock the fridge, that kind of thing." I chance a sidelong glance at him, my next words leaving my lips in a rush. "Would you want to come with me?"

A slow, wolfish grin spreads across Stylz's face. "Trying to get me alone, princess?"

I roll my eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

With a sly smile I don’t wholly like, he says, “Yeah, I’ll go with you.”

“Great, thanks,” I say, pushing off of the railing. “I guess I’ll see you—”

"Actually,” he starts, and his voice stops me. “I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner with me once the newlyweds are off on their honeymoon.”

I blink at him, momentarily thrown by the unexpected invitation. Part of me is tempted—the thought of spending more time with him, of seeing where this could lead, is undeniably enticing. But the ever-present voice of caution pipes up, reminding me of all the reasons this is a terrible idea.

"I'm not sure that's wise," I hedge, wrapping my arms around myself. "We lead very different lives, Stylz. I don't want to stir up any unnecessary drama."

His brow furrows slightly, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head. "Look, I'm not saying you need to uproot your whole life or anything. But isn't it worth exploring other options? Taking a chance?"

I open my mouth to protest, but his next words stop me cold.

"Or are you just going to keep playing it safe, princess?"

The challenge in his voice ignites a spark of defiance within me, that same reckless urge that led me to act so brazenly with him that night at the bar. I lift my chin, meeting his stare head-on.

"You don't know a damn thing about me or my life," I bite out.

Stylz holds up his hands in a placating gesture and steps closer. "You're right, I don't. So why don't you show me?"

I should pull away, put some distance between us before I do something reckless. But Stylz's heated stare holds me rooted in place, his proximity sending my pulse into overdrive.

My gaze drifts helplessly to his lips as he leans in a fraction closer. He pauses, giving me one last chance to pull away.

But I don't move a muscle.

With a low rumble that sends a delicious shiver down my spine, Stylz closes the remaining distance and crashes his mouth against mine. The kiss is demanding and passionate, his tongue sweeping past my parted lips.

A soft whimper escapes me as I fist my hands in the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him against me. The hard planes of his chest press into the soft curves of my body, and I can't get enough—of his taste, his scent, the scorching heat of his touch as his hands settle at my waist.

It was supposed to be a one-time indiscretion, a momentary lapse in judgment brought on by too much alcohol and a man who knows how to work his charm. But as we trade increasingly desperate kisses, I realize with a dizzying sense of clarity that I want more.

So much more.

Stylz seems to be on the same wavelength as his hands roam lower, cupping my ass and hitching me up against him as the rough stubble of his jaw scrapes deliciously against my neck.


The pointed clearing of a throat shatters the heated moment. Stylz and I break apart, our chests heaving as we turn to find Wyatt regarding us with an arched brow and the barest hint of a smirk playing at his lips.

"They're closing things up if you two are, uh... done out here."

Embarrassment washes over me in a hot wave, and I can't bring myself to meet Wyatt's amused gaze. Slipping out of Stylz's arms, I straighten my dress and brush past Wyatt, hurrying back into the dim warmth of the lodge.

My cheeks are still burning as I rejoin the dwindling crowd. Daisy catches my eye from across the room and comes over, looping her arm through mine. "You ready to head out, sis?"