I blink, momentarily taken aback by the grim turn of events. "Well, that's depressing as hell. Why even bother telling stories like that?"

She arches a perfectly sculpted brow. "You've never heard cautionary tales before?"

I shrug. "Sure, but I prefer stories with happier endings myself." My hands settle at the curve of her waist, our bodies swaying in sync. "Way I see it, love's supposed to conquer all that crap. If you want something bad enough, you fight for it."

Delilah regards me with an inscrutable look. "Is that what you really believe?"

I meet her gaze steadily, allowing the briefest hint of vulnerability to show. "Yeah, princess. I do."

Her breath hitches almost imperceptibly, and for a moment, I think she might actually open up, let me see past those meticulously constructed walls. But then her features smooth over into that cool mask of detachment once more.

"I didn’t picture you as the kind of guy chasing a fairytale," she murmurs, her tone laced with gentle mockery.

"And who says I want a fairytale?" I retort. “Way I see it, I'm a man of simple pleasures. Good beer, fresh mountain air..." I dip my head until my lips are nearly brushing her ear. "A beautiful woman in my arms."

Delilah hums thoughtfully, worrying her plump lower lip between her teeth. The motion draws my gaze, making me wonder how those lips would taste if I kissed her right here, audience be damned.

Before I can act on the impulse, Daisy's voice cuts through the heated silence.

"You two look like you've got this dancing thing down pat." She loops her arm through her fiancé's. "Which is good, because we need someone to pick up the centerpieces from the florist for us. The place is right outside of town—shouldn't take more than an hour or so."

Delilah opens her mouth, clearly preparing to object, but I cut her off before she can. "Not a problem."

She shoots me a look that could melt steel, but I just flash her a slow wink.

For her part, Daisy is oblivious to the tension between us, too preoccupied by the million other details that go into planning a wedding. She just gives her sister a quick hug. "You're the best. Thank you!"

I can feel Delilah's glare burning a hole in the side of my head as we gather our things and walk to my truck.

As she climbs into the passenger seat, I glance over at her. "You know, this could be fun if you let it."

She turns to me, her dark eyes flashing. "Just drive."

Chuckling, I start the truck's engine with a low rumble. As we peel out of the parking lot, I can't resist one last parting shot. "Yes, Your Highness."

Delilah scoffs, but she's fighting a smile—I can see it in the way her lips twitch ever so slightly.

And just like that, I know I've got her hooked, whether she'll admit it or not.

Chapter 3


The mountain scenery blurs past the truck's windows as we wind along the narrow road, the dense evergreen trees giving way to sweeping vistas that take my breath away. I can't decide if the knot in my stomach is from the hairpin turns or the unresolved tension crackling between Stylz and me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he remarks. " I've lived in Silverpine my whole life, but I'll never get tired of these views."

I nod mutely, drinking in the majestic scenery. This place has a raw, untamed beauty, a stark contrast to the polished sophistication of my world. And yet, I find myself drawn to it in a way I can't quite explain.

"This place has a way of growing on you, doesn't it?" The words slip out in a hushed murmur before I can stop them.

Stylz's smile widens ever so slightly. "Just the place?" he counters, his voice thick with unmistakable suggestion.

I roll my eyes, but there's no real malice behind the gesture. "The people too, I guess," I admit with a rueful grin.

Like a moth to a flame, I'm helplessly drawn to this man and the life he represents. This sudden desire to abandon everything I've worked for and start over should terrify me. But there's also an undeniable thrill to it, a tantalizing promise of freedom and new horizons.

After a few minutes of silence, he speaks again. "Can I ask you something?"