I blink in stunned disbelief as the realization hits me—Stylz doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. Yet here he is, boldly belting out the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.

The sultry melody fills the air, transporting me back to that candid moment Stylz and I shared on the dance floor during our impromptu lesson. His confession about fighting for love had cracked my carefully constructed facade, making me dare to hope that maybe—just maybe—he could be the one to conquer my fears.

But those fragile dreams shattered with the force of his jealous accusations at the restaurant. The sting of betrayal still lingers like an exposed nerve, leaving me raw and guarded as I watch him stride toward me now, microphone in hand. I can't look away, utterly transfixed as the rich timbre of his voice pours out the familiar Spanish lyrics.

Only... something's different.

I frown, straining to make sense of the words tumbling from his lips. That's not how the song goes—he's changing the lyrics, reshaping the narrative from one of heartbreak to... hope?

Stylz's eyes never leave mine as he serenades me with this new tale. The story he's weaving is one of two lost souls who overcome their differences to forge an unbreakable bond.

Of a love that triumphs over any obstacle, any fear or doubt.

By the time the final, soaring notes fade into thunderous applause from our captivated audience, I'm trembling—my heart racing, my throat tight with a swell of emotions I can't begin to untangle.

Then Stylz is right there in front of me, the microphone falling to his side as the roar of the crowd recedes into a hushed backdrop.

"Delilah," he begins, his voice low and impossibly tender. "What I said at the restaurant... God, I was such an ass."

I open my mouth, but he shakes his head, effectively silencing me.

"No, let me get this out." He takes a deep, steadying breath. "My insecurities got the better of me, made me jump to conclusions I had no right to make. You deserve better than that—better than someone who would doubt you or accuse you of being anything less than the amazing woman you are."

A lump forms in my throat at the naked sincerity burning in his eyes. Stylz reaches out, his calloused fingers gently grazing my cheek in a tender caress.

"The truth is, I've never met anyone like you before. The way I feel about you..." He pauses, seemingly struggling to find the right words. "It's like nothing I've ever known."

My heart thunders in my chest as he leans in closer, the intensity of his stare scorching me from the inside out. When he speaks again, his voice is low and heated.

"I meant what I said that night, about fighting for love no matter what. So I'm going to lay it all on the line here: I'm all in, Delilah. All chips on the table, no holding back. If you'll have me, I want to face this crazy, beautiful thing between us head-on and make it work—whatever it takes."

A tremulous laugh escapes me as my vision blurs with tears. "You mean that? Even knowing how different our worlds are?"

The corner of his mouth quirks up in that sexy half-grin that never fails to set my pulse racing. "Princess, I'm counting on our differences. Where's the fun if we're exactly the same?"

My lips part on a shaky exhale as the truth of his words sinks in. For so long, I've allowed my fear of the unknown to dictate my choices—but Stylz is offering me a different path, one paved in adventure and passion and the thrill of the unexplored.

One that could lead to a love story for the ages, if only I have the courage to fight for my own happily ever after.

So I make my choice.

Grabbing Stylz by the lapels of his jacket, I yank him forward and kiss him hard. He responds with a low growl, his arms banding around me.

This molten passion, soul-deep connection, and the promise of a love strong enough to overcome any obstacles we face—this is what I've been seeking my entire life without even realizing it.

When we finally part, both of us flushed and breathless, I cup Stylz's rugged face in my palms and gaze up at him with every ounce of devotion blazing in my heart.

"I'm all in, too, mountain man," I murmur, the words carrying the weight of a sacred vow. "Let's go get our happily ever after."

The brilliant smile that stretches across his face fills me with a warmth and joy that chases away every last lingering shadow of doubt.

Then Stylz is pulling me into his embrace once more, and this time, I let myself sink into the comfort and security of his arms—my home, my future, my forever.

No more fears, no more walls. Just me and this amazing, passionate man, ready to blaze our own trail into the great wide open.


Chapter 9