Page 138 of The Sins that Ruin

“What do you want with us? Let Amelia go.”

“Why would I do that? She’ll go to the cops. Or worse, that boyfriend you like to play nasty games with. Don’t you know he’s dangerous. Gunrunner, crime lord, a man who owns a sex club.”

He walks over to me as the door slams shut behind him. “Where’s the fucking client list? There’s a shipment I’m interested in intercepting. But I need the list to work out the damn code. And your uncle doesn’t have that code.” He grabs me by the throat hard and squeezes.

Sheer burning fear streaks through me. This isn’t like when Malone grabs me.

And this man’s hurting me. I can’t breathe, and he lifts me off the floor. I scramble in his grip. Then I remember the knife. I pop it open and try to slice him, but he punches me and throws me across the floor. I land hard on the ground, a wave of sick pain rushing over my flesh, from hands to knees and my cheek.


Amelia rushes to me. “Scarlett, are you okay?”

I wheeze and try and speak, but words don’t come.

“Give me the fucking list and the code. Your fucking father won’t.”

“Even if I had it,” I say, pushing the words out, “I’d never give it to you. And my boyfriend—my fiancé—is going to kill you where you stand.”

He’s not officially that at all, but I think Malone will incinerate this man for touching me. For hurting Amelia. With every fiber of my being, I believe that.

“He’s going down for this. You know I make films? Then I sell off the girl to the highest bidder. Sometimes I sell the girl and let the buyer star in the film with her. It’s never nice for the girl. Amelia here’s the perfect fucking age. Are you a virgin, bitch?” Then he shakes his head. “We’ll just tell them you are… Amelia, right?”

I grab the cake tester and push myself to my feet and run at him, jamming it into his side. He yells and punches me again, knocking me down. Then he slams a foot down on me, on my face. Pain rings through me. For a few moments I can’t hear a thing, just pain.

Who knew you can hear pain? Feel it. Taste it along with the copper taste of blood in my mouth.

“You cunt, you’re too old for those films, but you’ll make a good punching bag. Some men like to beat the fuck out of the female they rape. Sometimes turn it into snuff. That’s fine by me, more money. But I want those list details.”

He lifts his foot and I try and get up. I fall. Behind me, Dad groans.

“Perfect fucking timing.” Then the man raises his voice. “He’s waking up.”

The door opens again, and I look up and almost fall again when shock assaults me.

“Uncle Grant?”

He gives me a cold look and doesn’t even glance at Amelia.

“I’ve tried,” he says, crouching down to grab me by the hair and yank my face back to look at him. “But it’s finally time for me to take over. The story’s going to be that you and your father died tragically, and the stupid bitch there… she ran off. But first, I need everything you have.”

“I don’t—” I stare at him. “Stupid bitch? Amelia’s your daughter. I’m your niece.”

“No, you’re the product of the fucker who’s supposed to be my brother.”

My head is swimming with splintered thoughts, and I think I must’ve really slammed it hard on the floor when that other asshole threw me. “He is your brother.”

“He had an affair with my wife. And Amelia is that product. For years I raised his bitch of a daughter. Even had a birth certificate I thought was real. Until I had to get the certified copy of the original for her passport.” He narrows his eyes and flings me away. “So I don’t care. Not about you or your father or her.”

Amelia moans and sobs and I… I want to smash my fist against my uncle’s face for his cruelty.

“She’s still your daughter. You raised her.” I try to get up, but he shoves me back to the floor.

“So fucking what? The best part is, in an hour your JM is coming through that door, with the list he’s found.” He shakes his head, laughing. “He’s easy to manipulate. All the thugs are. Texted to say he has it. When he turns up? He’ll be pinned with everything. And I’ll own the entire company. Along with whatever I can get from him while we make him beg.”

I stare at my uncle. “You think you can make him beg?”

“I’ve got what he wants. You. So yes, he’s going down.”