Page 110 of The Sins that Ruin

Oh my God… Amelia.

There are some papers and a backpack on the floor, and I race to the pack and crouch to get it and open it.

As I pull open the zipper, a small sound behind me makes me jump.

I see the shadow too late.

Before I can grab the gun, before I can even open my mouth to scream, a hand slams down over my mouth.



“Quit fucking biting, Scarlett. It’s me.”

But for some reason, she fights harder. Kicking, twisting, and while she’s not gifted at all in self-defense, I don’t want to hurt her, so I take it. The elbow to the ribs and stomach, her backward kick to my knees and thighs. At one point she gets dangerously close to my balls with a fist.

“Fuck. Goddammit, woman. Watch it.”

I peel my hand away from her mouth. She manages another slam to the stomach before I tighten my arms around her. “Let go of me.”

“Are you going to calm the fuck down?”


I start to loosen my hold and she turns into a wildcat, turning on me with nails out, not that they’re long, but still. “Scarlett, stop.” Grabbing her once again, I press into her.

She lets out a cry and I push my hand back over her mouth once more. But Scarlett’s not letting up.

I hold her tighter, and then I slam us back into the wall so she can’t escape.

“Let go of me,” I think she says again through my hand, the muffled sounds familiar.

“No.” I press us hard to that wall. “Not until you stop being a fucking crazy person.”

The fight seeps out, but I can feel her muscles are still tense.

“Don’t fucking scream. I’m letting go of your mouth, but so help me if you fucking scream…” I drop my hand but I don’t let her go.

Jesus. I don’t have time for this. Any of it.

She breathes in. “I know you sent the threats.”

A crushing wave of “oh, fuck me” consumes my body, hot at the edges, cold in the middle, hitting my stomach hard. Shit and fuck and all of the expletives the world has to fucking offer.

Jesus Christ. I left the apartment in such a hurry that I didn’t put anything away. I’d probably had one drink too many, but thing is, even fucked up, I don’t ever do that. Leave shit—important shit—out. I’m meticulous with that. No, I was in… not a panic, but something pretty damn close, and I don’t think that was over the cousin.

That kind of stuff I can deal with. It’s what I do.

What I’m not used to is someone like Scarlett and the turmoil she stirs. And last night…

I raced out of the place over… fuck. It was for Scarlett.

I was actually worried about her, and I wanted… shit.

It doesn’t matter what I wanted.

Doesn’t matter I was hoping to rescue Amelia and get back before Scarlett woke up. I didn’t fucking think. Scarlett’s a dangerous woman. So fucking strong.