Page 35 of The Sins that Ruin

“It is, isn’t it?” I down the drink and hand her the glass. “You can have a drink if you want.”

“Be still my beating heart.”

She refills my glass and hands it over, and then pours herself rum and gulps it down quickly.

I smile. “I thought you might be a pain in the ass. A good fuck, but annoying to have around. I’m reassessing that.”

She looks at me, her eyes flashing with disdain. “So charming. Don’t delude yourself into thinking I want you.”

“That’s a lie. I just felt how wet you are.”

“Latex is hot. I was sweating.”

“Maybe that’s what it is. Let’s find out. Hike up your dress and spread those thighs, get a breeze going.”

“I’m not your whore.”

“I didn’t ask you to be my whore. I told you to cool down that overheated pussy. You know, because of the fucking latex.”

She sucks in a breath. “You’re such a bastard.”

“And you’re racking up points for punishment. I could turn the car around and leave you to those men. They’re not nice.”

“Neither are you.”

“But you like me—” I stop and smile. “Like me fucking you. Like me ordering you around. So do what I said and air out that hot pussy.”

She hesitates, but she clearly picks up on the command. And fuck me, Scarlett does what I ask, the humiliation bright in her cheeks, and she looks like she wants to cry.

But as she parts those pretty, slender thighs wider, her waxed pussy there for my viewing pleasure, there’s a slight hitch to her breath. And it’s a hitch that has nothing to do with tears and everything to do with the bead of girl cum that rolls from her pussy lips.

Because I read the wavery brightness in her eyes as the wrong kind of tears. She doesn’t want to want me but fuck, does she want me.

“Part your cunt for me. You still look overheated down there.”

A soft sound fills the back of the limo, and the air’s heavy around us.

I can’t pull my eyes away.

“You have the prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.”




This time I lift my gaze. “Please what?”

She can’t say it. The words are there, making noise in the space, a vibration that strokes over me, and I lower my zipper because if she wants me to give her an orgasm, she can fucking ask. Beg.

“If you can’t do it, then I’ll tell you what I want, Red. You, between my thighs with my cock down your throat. You’re going to only use your mouth, and you’re going to make me come and swallow fucking everything.”

She closes her legs and slides down to the floor of the car, crawling to me until she’s between my legs. With a shaking hand, she slowly reaches for my aching cock that I’ve pulled out. It’s so fucking hard it hurts, and I fucking love it.

It’s a good hurt, a needful one, and I say, “No touching.”

She moves her head closer, and as the car bounces hard over a bump in the road, she falls forward, her hands hitting my thighs. I take the advantage Manhattan just gave me and guide her head down until her hot wet mouth slides down the length of my cock.