“You’ll get your chance,” Brutus says. “Chain her back up. I need your help. The boy’s being auctioned tonight. It’s gonna be a party.”

They leave me, and when I’m alone, I try to move but it’s agony. Every breath hurts. And I finally give in to a sob.

My time is coming, and I don’t mean in the form of help. I mean soon I’ll be repeatedly raped and abused and?—

I shut it down. All of it.

At least I try.

But I can’t stop the thoughts. Can’t stop the spin of Brutus’s words in my head.

Somehow, it’s worse knowing they’re going to abuse me and then leave me like this, cold and alone, unable to move or escape.

There’s a part of me that’s already given up. It wants it to just be done. Maybe they’ll drug me with the kind of things where I’m lost and don’t know what’s happening. That part of me carefully avoids what they said the drug they’d be giving me would do.



Unable to move or do a single thing other than take.

No. No. No.

My throat gets tight and spots appear in front of my covered lids. Maybe I’m?—

The softest of sounds reaches my ears and I strain to hear more, but there’s nothing.

Yet I no longer feel alone.

A tiny sob breaks free.


That’s what it feels like.

And I can smell that earthy, dark, mossy erotic scent of his.

I try and speak but my voice won’t come. I know it’s not him. It can’t be. This is just my mind playing cruel tricks.

And then a horrible thought pummels into me.

Oh my God.

Is… is it time?

The air moves as the pressure changes and my blindfold’s removed.



“How’re you doing, baby girl?” I ask. She stares blankly at me, like I’m a fucking ghost. She’s horribly bruised, swollen all over, and filthy.


The guard’s dead. Throat slit from ear to ear. I didn’t even have to ask her what he did. The second he got back here, he was done. I broke through the door he was supposed to guard and found my baby girl. With my blood bubbling in my veins, I pull off the balaclava.

My heart wobbles as I squat next to her, sliding my pack off. I run my hands over her, trying not to notice how she flinches at the touch.