“Screw you.”

I stalk up to her and coil her blond ponytail in my hand, tugging her head back. “We’ll be doing that, little girl. And if you don’t watch that mouth, I’ll come up with other things to occupy it.”

“Maybe,” she says in a cool, snotty voice that holds a breathy note, one that fists my cock. “I want that.”

“Have you?”

“Have I what?”

I lick a line along her throat and nuzzle the spot where her ear meets her head. I can almost hear the thready beat of her heart. “Had anal sex, Dakota?”


“Hmmm, well, maybe I’ll take that ass, too.”

Her breathing gets thready, too, and a tremor passes through her, making her quake in my arms. “Punishment or reward?”

“That depends on my mood.”

I release her because I’m hard as fuck and we need to go for dinner.

When I decided on this route, I’d told myself it’s all part of the act. But I know.

It isn’t.

Sure, it is to a point, but I could set this up without her here. A paper trail is all it takes. But if I’m being honest, and that’s something I try to always be, I’m not ready to let her go yet.

Once I do, there’s no turning back.

When I’m decent and no longer have a raging hard-on in my pants, I head out with her. We walk to a trendy little restaurant a few blocks up.

I don’t even notice what I’m eating. Some kind of pasta dish. She pushes hers around the plate and drinks a little too much wine because the server didn’t bother to card her.

Finally, I get tired of watching her push the fork around. “Out with it, little girl.”

Her head jerks up at the sex talk terminology, and I like it because she’s weighing up if she dares say Daddy out loud. She doesn’t. “Why did you take me to such a nasty place? And I’m not complaining about how run-down it is, either. It’s clear it’s not aboveboard. And I’m positive it’s a hookup place.”

“It’s that. And more. I want that nasty element. If they decide to chase you down, the story’s set up that I wanted to own you.”

“And do you?”

“Not in a way someone your age should be owned. Go meet some young guy. Be boring together.”

She sucks in a breath. “And what if I want your brand of nasty?”

“It’s for show. The hotel.”

The truth, a lie. When the waiter passes by the table, I get the check and pay. When we’re walking back, she hits me with the question I was waiting for.

“So you and I are just a show?”

“Not what I said. You and I are complicated. I don’t like this kind of complicated.”

“Because of?—”

“Stop there,” I say in a deadly tone, knowing she’s about to bring up Fina, and that’s not a discussion I’m willing to have. Not beyond what I’ve already said. “You don’t get to go there, Dakota.”

She falls silent as the rhythms of New York rise and fall around us, a constant song of noise and voices, a music of its own.