“Dakota,” I say, my voice a low, dark warning. “I will put you over my knee and spank you so fucking hard you can’t walk.”

Her eyes flash when I grab her wrist. “Let go.”

“Is that any way to talk to Daddy? Remember your place.”

Pink spots of color light up her face. Horror widens her mouth. “I-I’m sorry.”

I let go of her wrist and move her over my hips, rocking her against my cock. “Drink your drink and tell me how you led them on.”

She downs the champagne, spinning a tale where she puts herself as both the innocent lamb and unknowing temptress. She tells me how she liked them looking but they scared her.

I pull her top to one side, exposing her, and she hovers over me, letting me suckle on her tit.

“T-they didn’t do that.” She sighs, gripping my shoulder with her free hand. “And when they found the string from the bikini…”

Everything goes cold. I knew they’d do that. Of course they would. It was an offering and I feel like a sick fuck for it. I am a sick fuck because there’s a part of me that finds it hot that they want her.

“Did you like it?”

“Only when you do it.” Her eyes drop and she takes a breath, and there’s nothing I can say. Except…

“You remember which ones you led on, don’t you?”

Her gaze cuts to me. “Yes.”

I offer her my death smile, one that’s made people shake and piss themselves, and fuck if a shiver doesn’t run through her. If she doesn’t utter a small moan.

She’s fucking turned on.

When she finishes her drink, I push her off me, prep the next one and give it to her, kissing her. I whisper against her lips, “In about?—”

“I know. They drugged me to make me miss one of the boats.”


And hot damn, she goes from normal to a little drunk. The perfect actress. She sinks to her knees.

“Let me show you how much I want you, Daddy.”

She starts to unbuckle my belt. But I stop her, pushing her onto the bed as I slide down the front of her body to lick between her thighs and suck on her clit. Then I stop, rising up over her. “You think you earned that? Me pleasuring you? I don’t think so. Not yet.”

I get up and she follows, almost falling and spilling her drink. It’s an award-worthy performance. “Daddy, please.”

“Strip. Slow. Turn me the fuck on. Just like you wanted to do for them.”

She stumbles, fumbling with the buttons on the side of the dress. And when she falls, I catch her.

Dakota mumbles something and goes completely limp like she’s just passed out. It’s almost to the minute of when I would have told her to.

When she’s out, I start to play with her, touching, exposing, biting, sliding a finger between her thighs like I’m going to fuck her ass. She stays still, little moans like she’s feeling something in her sleep, but she’s completely pliant.

I’ve never drugged someone to fuck them. Never wanted to. And I still don’t. But as a game, it’s one I’d like to play, where she pretends she’s out and I play with her. That’s hot. The other? Not so much.

I start to make a show of picking out another outfit for her, but really, I’m looking for whatever will work to get her downstairs. I find a thin robe for the pool and another bikini.

I glance at my watch. One a.m.

I risk a quick look at the one camera with the tiny light.