And I might have gone in a little hard on the senator because I wanted to be the one putting my hand up her skirt again. I didn’t want anyone else doing it.

I force myself to remember the crying, annoying rich girls whose tears stopped the moment we managed to get them away from the terrorist group that’d taken over the consulate in Levanikstan, a country wedged in the Middle East. It’s a small country and only significant for the rich people who lived there, a place that houses a hotbed of activity for criminals, zealots, those fighting with a cause, and those who want to make money.

I don’t get mixed up in politics. I just had the guns, muscles, brains, and death wish that made me a valued recruit for military Black Ops. After they set up a consulate, tourists worth billions flocked to the place. That money attracted terror groups, and all hell broke loose when they rushed the consulate. Greedy, spoiled, entitled bastards are the reason why Fina died. She gave her life trying to help them, and for what?

Fuck… Fina was everything this girl isn’t.

And I resent the fuck out of Dakota for that.

Another rich girl taking priority. Even if she’s Smith’s kid?—

I scrub a hand down the front of my face. She doesn’t know. She wouldn’t understand. It’s not fair to?—

“Jaxson?” Her whisper is cool water on fevered skin.


She recoils a little at my sharp tone, but presses into me anyway. I wind an arm around her, taking her plate and putting it down before dipping my head over hers. Her hair tickles the tip of my nose and I can’t help breathing in her scent. I trace the outline of her lips with my tongue, then slide it up along her throat to her ear, loving how she trembles.

“Is it safe to go to my room?”

We’ve got an audience right now, and I nip at her skin, squeezing her fine ass as I bring her in close. For someone I resent, someone I don’t like, I still want to fuck her senseless. “I’ll take you.”

To our audience, I slide the skirt up to give them a flash of her ass because I can feel she’s not naked underneath. It’s quick because they already want to devour her. But more because it sets us up as an item, and me taking her away sets me up as possessive. Well, taking her away and brutalizing the asshole senator.

She’s breathing hard when I drag her into the room. Slamming her back against the door, I slide a leg up between her thighs and drop bruising bites along her exposed skin. She moans as I suck hard on some of those bruises.

When she melts into me, I pick her up and carry her to the bed. It creaks as I lay her on the mattress. She gazes at me like I’m the world, her legs falling open, inviting me to bury myself between them.

But I don’t. If I do, I know I won’t get up until I’ve fucked her senseless.

After giving her room a quick search, I come to the conclusion that it hasn’t been wired. But with these fucking demented people, you never know for sure. So I keep up the game.

“Lock your door, don’t go anywhere,” I murmur against her ear.


“Stay here. Don’t move.”

“But Jaxson?—”

She reaches for my arm, and fuck me if my skin doesn’t tingle with desire.

“Daddy,” she whispers, winding her fingers around my wrist.

I can’t. She can’t.

We fucking can’t.

But even though my mind screams the words, my body doesn’t give a flying fuck about consequences.



Fuck him for leaving me.
