
“And if I don’t?” Dakota asks, sending a dark thrill through me. One that makes my dick ache. “What happens then?”

I narrow my eyes, my cock jumping at the possibility of her defying me. “What do you want to happen?”

“I don’t know.” But the vein at the side of her throat pulsates, telling me she knows exactly what she wants to happen. I run my finger over it.


“I’m not lying. Just asking.”

“You’re lying because you already know. Because we recognize each other, don’t we? But you’re going to be good. You want to please me like a good girl, and that means not asking fucking questions and always doing what I say. And I say we get off this yacht.”

“If I go with you, won’t that be dangerous?”

It’s part flirt, part self-preservation kicking in. I’m asking her to jump from one fire into another.

She doesn’t know me.

She only knows those two kids who, I’m assuming, got her on here in the first place.

“I’m the good kind of danger, Dakota.”

A giggle breaks free, then she considers me, tilting her head, cheeks fever pink. “Is there a good danger?”

Her pupils are still too big, but she’s coming down from whatever they gave her. I’m betting they drugged her enough to lure her into the orgy room, but not fuck her up completely.

I need her to come down a little more before I drag her off this yacht. If I try to take her up to the deck now, her so-called friends will find us and drag her away while someone else annoys the fuck out of me with more questions.

Like that fucker, Brutus, who rubbed one out watching me touch her. I can’t risk that happening again. It makes us both too vulnerable, and I fucking can’t stand the possibility of losing control in situations like this where there’s so much at stake.

Goddamn, I hate this feeling of tied hands.

“There’s always a good danger, baby girl.”

I slide my hand down the front of her neck, skimming my fingers along her exposed flesh, down the deep V between her breasts.

They’re perfect, too. Larger than a handful, but not by much. That magic size of just fucking right, soft, round, and blessed with nipples that get hard and jut against the material of the dress under my gaze. It takes everything in me not to touch. Not to peel back that slick material and suck. Bite.

And she keeps pressing her thighs together in a way that makes my cock throb and strain against my pants.

She’s not even twenty-one, for fuck’s sake. She’s Smith’s daughter. She’s a job.

All these things are true, but they’re losing their power the longer I sit here, touching her.

And I have to touch. It creates the image of intimacy, just in case someone walks in.

“Are you the good danger?” she whispers the words, and they twist inside me.

No, I’m definitely not that. Not in the way she means. There’s nothing good about me. But compared to this fucking place?

“Yes.” I pin her with my hard gaze. “And you’ll do what I say.”

“If I don’t?”

I almost groan at that pure brat comment. “Punishment.”

“Do I get a reward if I’m good?” She pauses, a smile teasing her lips. “Daddy?”