He hands me a drink. “Here. Talk to the senator. He’s been eyeing you for a while. Smile and give him some of whatever you were giving… Jaxson?” He leans in and presses the drink into my hands before pushing me toward an old, fat man who licks his lips. I almost throw up in my mouth a little bit. “If it’s going to turn into a blow job, don’t do it here. Take the senator downstairs for privacy. I need to talk to the captain.”

The senator’s cigar breath makes my stomach roil. He paws at the top of my dress, trying to pull it away. His watery blue eyes peer down as I wobble, trying to get free of his slimy grip. “Show me those titties.” He grabs one hard, grinning when I moan in pain. “You like that, don’t you?”

With a flick of my wrist, I fling my drink at him. The smile fades from his face, his expression turning dark, a storm cloud of a frown, and he raises his hand to me.

Is he seriously going to fucking slap me?

Someone from behind me grabs his wrist. A dark, deep voice says, “Don’t.”

“You’re hurting my wrist,” the senator whines.

“Mark my property and your wrist’ll be the least of your problems.”

I let out a breath when I hear Jaxson’s threat.

Because it’s him. I gaze up at him over my shoulder, heart fluttering, pulse throbbing.

“Are you okay, Dakota?”

I nod.

“Go wait by the wall. Now.” He pulls the senator in close and mutters something that has the now wide-eyed man nodding like a maniac. Then he shoves him away and turns back to me. “I told you to wait for me.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. “I wanted a drink. And you were talking to Brutus.”

But that isn’t what I wanted to tell him. My mind wanted to say Haydyn dragged me here, but my mouth keeps saying the wrong thing.

“I got rid of Brutus. He bored me. And you need water, not more alcohol.” His eyebrows knit together while he stares at me.

“Do they have water here?” I ask as he slides an arm around my waist. I collapse against him.

Jaxson laughs. “Yeah, they have water, ki—Dakota. Come on.”

He walks me to the bar, his massive body protecting me from all sides against handsy assholes. Once I have a water bottle in hand, he guides me onto the deck for some air.

Things are quiet and peaceful for a hot second, and then our bubble pops. Brutus shows up again, his biting voice demanding to know why Jaxson had to steal the prettiest girl and bring her up here near the exit to the speedboat. Then a flush-faced Amelia stumbles over to us alongside Haydyn, her dress crumpled and hair mussed.

Their voices buzz around me, adding to the spin in my head. Before I can protest, they drag me a few feet away with them, spouting a million questions about Jaxson.

He lets me go but his eyes burn into me, latched on mine like an anchor keeping me from floating away. And I know I’m safe.

I stutter my answers, skipping over the private things, like his hand under my skirt, his fingers grazing my inner thighs, his thumb in my mouth. A hot flush bleeds into my cheeks at the memories. I bite down on my lower lip under his heated stare.

“Are you sure he’s a Collector?” Amelia murmurs. She thrusts another glass into my hand. The scent of grapefruit wafts under my nose. “I haven’t seen him before and I’d definitely remember him.”

“Me, either. Haven’t seen him,” Haydyn says. “He’s hot as fuck. I don’t blame you for running off with him.”

“What are collectors? Art collectors? Besides, I’m on a yacht. where am I running off to?”

Confusion blankets my brain like a thick fog. Jaxson is still talking to Brutus.

Holy shit. My blood runs cold. Could they be friends?

“He could try and steal you.” Amelia frowns. “There’s a boat waiting for guests.”

“Amelia,” Haydyn mutters. “No one on here other than special guests like Dakota is a collector.” He clears his throat. “An art collector. That guy Jaxson might have taken a liking to her.”
