“Sure you do, honey,” a woman murmurs, pressing the drink into my hand.

Where did she even come from?

She gently brushes her fingers through my hair. “You look untouched. Are you, baby doll?”

“An online star,” says another voice. I think I recognize it, but my blood pounds in my ears, disguising the sound.

The woman presses her lips to mine for a brief second. It stuns me, but for some reason, I don’t push her away. Then the man who touched my breast starts to toy with the neckline of my dress.

The woman smacks his hand away.

“She’s not quite ready.”

I have the urge to run. Everything is buzzing, and not in a good way. Too many people gather around, touching, talking, watching. I take in the crowd as the man and woman talk. There are people making out, doing things, and?—

“My friend’s meeting me,” I finally blurt when my mouth starts working again.

The woman’s eyes light up. “For poker?”

“Yes, I…”

“Go, honey. Have fun, but not too much…”

With that I turn, stumbling away from them. My heart pounds harder with every step I take. I dart out of the room, down the hallway, and then take the right set of stairs. The throbbing music downstairs is louder, the air full of moans. Dark, reddish lighting is both disturbing and welcoming.

I feel like I can hide in this light. It hides secrets. My thoughts scatter and bounce, and one of the rooms is open. Noise spills out into the narrow hallway. Must be 69. I glance at the number at the door next to me. It’s 67…

That has to be it. I pick up the pace and head for the doorway when an arm slides around my waist, pulling me back against a hard wall of muscle. I forget how to breathe.

It’s him…

“Dakota, where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

Mmm… he smells so good…

I lean my head back against him and inhale. Moss and earth and man. My eyes float closed for a second and I let the scent infuse me. It’s like deep, secret places, somewhere safe, a place where nobody can touch me or hurt me.

Half turning, I whisper, “Into that room.”

“Do you even know what’s going on in there?”


He shifts back a little, his hands coming to catch my hips as he twists me to fully face him. His face dips low, lips almost grazing mine. My heart beats hard as blood heats in my veins.

He’s going to?—

“Not. Poker,” he murmurs, his mouth so close to mine I can practically taste the spearmint flavor of his tongue. “What’s going on in there is all about what they want to do to you.”

He backs me against the wall, his hand loose at my throat, the other on my hip.

I swallow, wanting to moan. And then I look past him, my eyes flying open as wide as they’ll go.

Bodies writhe and twist together. The music that’s undulating through this space isn’t full of moans; it’s the whole room.

I’ve seen porn, but nothing like this. I’ve had sex, but… Jesus.

I swallow hard. The women are super young like me, the men a lot older. I catch a glimpse of a hot new actress around my age in a corner. A group of men take turns with her, stroking their cocks while they wait for their opportunity to fuck her.