Page 127 of The Desires That Burn

So can this Malone.

Orion? Not so much. He likes honesty. He’ll risk himself for me.

I can blow this up. My way.

If this was Malone, he’d throw me to the wolves to get what he needed. Orion will sacrifice himself to them to keep me safe. He’d destroy his world.

I get up and go into the bathroom and close the door. Then I lock it and turn the water on.

First, I make a video and send it to Harley, and I text her instructions.

Next, I send a text, my fingers tingling with nerves.

Finally, I call the one person I know will help.

He answers on the first ring.

“We need to formulate a plan. And I’m not taking no for an answer.”

There’s silence.

“I’m listening,” says Smith.



I couldn’t say “I love you” to her. Couldn’t even give her that.

Thing is, last night and this morning, she scared me.

Not the I love you.

Not even the wild surge of emotion that threatened to shatter my heart.

But her.

That steel in her where she wouldn’t let her plan go. Even after I seduced her, fucked her while holding her ankles down, all the delights to distract, I know she didn’t want to let it go.

I finish cleaning the high-powered rifle. It’s not overly fancy, but I know it as well as I know myself.

If I have to, I’ll fucking take him down with a bullet to the brain.

I add it to the pile.

If I have to, I’ll fucking shoot any one of those Collectors. I don’t even care if they were there on the island. I’ll blast each and every one of them out of existence and fuck Jones. Fuck everyone.

Just as long as Dakota is safe.

She undoes me. Crushes me.

I take a swallow of my now-cold, rum-laced coffee.

My phone’s buzzing and I ignore it. Again.

She scares me because I think she’s got the kind of cojones that will get her killed.

I can’t lose her.