I’m opting for the first with them planning for it to happen when they could do it.

The island makes sense.

“Play the message again.”

He does. There’s a faint echo, like she’s in a stone room. The cellar? It was stone. Empty enough to make that kind of noise.

But still…

“How many islands do they have?” I glance at Malone. “And are there fucking eyes on the men who were there?”

“They’re gone.” Malone frowns and sits on the table. Behind him Smith is at work on his phone. And it’s going to be about Dakota.

But I can’t think about it. There’s one person I can rely on and that’s me.

“That art guy? Brutus?”

“Not there, like we said?—”

“Find him.” I cut Smith off.

Malone pulls out his phone and makes a call and he’s all pompous smarm to whoever answers. When he hangs up, he looks at me. “His assistant said he’s on a buying trip.”

“And Trent?”

He makes another call. “He’s gone to LA. But Brutus?—”

“Let me guess. Florida.”

“That’s where I’m going.” I start for the door, Malone right next to me. Smith, wisely, stays behind. I lift an eyebrow at Malone. “You’re coming?”

“Someone’s got to make sure you don’t explode my mission. Or the planet.”

If I have to explode the fucking universe to get her back alive, I fucking will.

“Fine, but do not get in my way.”

“Dude.” He casts a look back, then one at me. “I’ll get the jet ready.”

“I need to make a pit stop first.”


I almost laugh. Those I can get anywhere. Even high-tech, illegal stuff the government doesn’t have. I’ve got the connections. “Mercer. I need some things from him first.”

When I go in, it’ll be with a full arsenal.

Dakota Hunt’s coming back alive if it kills me.

I hate the Florida humidity. Give me a decent desert any day, or the high heat and humidity of the tropics.

So far, I’ve managed to keep my initial fury to a dull fire in my veins, one that presses cold against bone. But that could be the fear I’m not acknowledging beyond knowing that it’s needed as a tempering agent.

Toxic memories bubble in my brain during the flight. I try not to make comparisons to other situations. To Fina’s fate.

I listened to Malone as he made a case from his client who’s a big name, powerful man. They haven’t located his son, and I really don’t give a fuck. If that big name, powerful man gets in my way, I’ll take him out, too. Anyone who interferes with me saving Dakota will become a casualty, screw the consequences.

I listened when he told me to hold off until we had all the facts lined up.