It’s early enough that the small hall where the bathrooms are located is empty, but the staff whiz by too quickly for me to ask for another escape. I back out of the hallway, my head jerking left and right for another way out. I see a door open a crack and twist around when something sharp pricks my arm.

My legs give out, my body buckles, and the world goes black.

“Beautiful,” says a voice. “Look at that sweet cunt.”

I come fully back into the world at that horrific sound. But everything is still black. I struggle, trying to move but my limbs are heavy. They won’t obey. I shake my hands but they’re bound tight. Something covers my eyes. The world rocks beneath me. Are we on a boat? But that thought has no time to linger because there’s a hand touching my breasts, another one on my pussy and oh God…

I’m naked.

“Push her thighs apart and stroke her,” the voice says. “So we can get a good photo. You… suck on her tit. And you, shove your fingers in her mouth.”

I try and scream, but nothing comes out.

The men move me, touch me, and I’m powerless to stop them.

“Push a finger in her,” the voice says.

Panic beats frantic, sharp wings inside me.

A man grunts and starts to stroke my pussy. He pulls the lips apart and tries to push into me, but I’m so dry he has trouble.

“We need lube,” the one touching me says.

The other one speaks. “No. That’s okay. We’re not meant to rape the silly cunt. Not yet. Just get some nice photos to show how she’s playing with us.”

I try and scream at him, but nothing comes out.

Hot, sour breath washes against my face. My body prickles with fear, and horror burns through me. “You can’t speak yet. We drugged you. You’ll be able to move again soon, but… the drug turns you into our little zombie doll. We knocked you out and added this. Next time we give it to you, cunt, you’ll know what’s happening and won’t be able to stop any of it.”

“We’re here,” the second voice says.

I’m thrown like a sack over someone’s shoulder, his hand high between my thighs.

I’m being carried somewhere. It’s cool. Damp. And they chain me up against a cold stone wall.

My pulse rockets. I want to scream and cry and fight.

I’m freaked the fuck out, and these men… they want to violate me. I’m not an idiot. It has to be the people who were on that yacht. Except now I’m alone. Nobody can save me.

Fear snakes through me. No one knows I’m here. No one.

Suddenly, the air shifts in the room, and footsteps approach. A hand grabs my hair and another twists one of my nipples, sending sharp shards of pain through me.

“You weren’t meant to leave us like that, Dakota. Not with a man. But now I’ve got you. And I’m going to enjoy you. But first?” he says. “First, I’m going to punish you for what you did.”

The voice rises a little.

“Ever hear of the term free use?”

Suddenly I’m slammed hard with understanding.

An icy hand clenches my heart.

Because I recognize the voice.

