Stock Market Guy gives me a look and a slight shrug, then nods his head at the man touching her. He pales when he sees me, then backs away damn fast.

“Your property’s in one piece,” Stock Market Guy says. “Mostly.”

“Thanks.” I narrow my eyes as I study her. “Seems Daddy couldn’t leave you alone without you being naughty. Move.”

She hangs her head, but not before I catch the glimmer of relief in her eyes. Dakota moves toward me, and though she’s doing her best to hide it, the misery that rolls off her taints the air.

I pull her to me and lift her skirt, pulling the bikini bottom from her pussy. After pocketing it, I let the skirt of the dress fall back down. Then I remove the top from her mouth. I push both deep into my pants pocket, closing my fingers around the wetness and trying not to get turned on.

Every eye in here is on my moves. And I’m not sure who’s the more perverted in the room, them or me.

“At least these were still in place.”

“Of course, Daddy,” she whispers, her voice slightly scratchy.

I run a finger down the plunge of the dress neckline.

“But I’m not convinced you were good.”

Her shoulders shake as she takes a breath. “I tried to be.”

“I know you did, but you can’t help pushing Daddy’s buttons, can you? I told you to be sweet and yet I come in to see that you’ve tempted these helpless men into touching you.” I fucking hate myself for saying that. It makes bile shoot up the back of my throat.

Her head lowers a little more. “I tried to be good.”

“Was she?” I ask Stock Market. Jesus, the guy is practically salivating. He knows what I have on me, and he thinks he knows what I’m going to do.

I’m just hoping he’s not planning on watching me tonight.

But that’s a bridge I’ll cross when and if we come to it.

Dakota’s not staying here another day.

“She tried,” he says.

I lift her chin. “I see.”

“D-Daddy, I promise I was good.”

Her plea that hides in her words is an aphrodisiac all its own. Not fear. There’s anticipation there. Relief that I’m here. And she’s ready and willing to play and reward me for rescuing her from the very situation I put her into.

“I’ll be the judge of that. And right now, I’m thinking while I was busy organizing a surprise for you, little one, you went and strayed.”

“But, Daddy…” She reaches for me, her hand on my arm. “I didn’t.”

“As I said, Daddy is the judge. His word’s final.”

Dakota bites down on her lip like I didn’t just throw her into the deep end, like I didn’t use the crudest chastity belt I could come up with, one that also branded her as a thing, as mine. When she flashes a look of such hunger and the need to please, I’d bet every last man in here is about to bust a nut.

“Can we go?” she asks. “I like surprises.”

I pretend to think about it. Fuck, if I have the urge to scrub my skin, what must she be wanting to do? Rip hers off?

I sigh. “Let’s go see if you deserve your present or if you deserve punishment.”

As I lead her from the room, I can’t help thinking how beyond satisfying it would be to take a whip or my hand and beat her fine ass right into orgasm.

But not here.