“Yes, I… he was going to—” Another sob erupts from my lungs. I swallow it down as I fall into Jaxson’s arms, tears slipping from my eyes.

He runs a hand down my spine, holding me with the promise that he will keep me safe and secure. I quake and quiver in his arms, tears soaking the front of his shirt. I don’t have to like him, but compared to these people, he’s my world.

“Fuck,” Jaxson says as he eases me free of his embrace. “We’re in trouble.”

“I found a way out. We can go out through the ballroom,” I say.

But he shakes his head. “It’s too late.”

That’s when I hear them, heels clicking on the marble floor in the great foyer and on hardwood. A tangle of voices drift toward us.

He puts his hand on the front of my dress. “Trust me?”

“Like I have a choice.”

Jaxson places his other hand on my cheek and brushes my lips with his and everything in me starts to short-circuit.

“Be good. For Daddy,” he whispers against my mouth.

Then his eyes go feral and he rips my dress off right as people swarm around us.



Shit. Of course one of them came for her. I hope like fuck she’s as smart as I think she is when I drag her toward the people coming to see what the commotion’s all about. There’s quite a selection of people here on the island, many who dabble, and some who are hard-core key members. A handful stay on this island for long periods of time to play with their pets in ways they’d never be able to in the real world.

At least, not in the ways they want. Blatant and in the open.

Places like this give them that space, that freedom.

But it doesn’t matter what level of depravity they subscribe to.

They’re all vile fucking people and they have the money to get away with whatever they want.

The guy on the floor in front of us, for example? He’s the head of a tech company. Not the brains behind the operation, just the fucker who bought up the conglomerate.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Dakota says in a perfect mix of sexual submission and pleading. “I didn’t know…”

Her voice, that word… they turn something savage-edged in me. I want to punish her, soothe her, and take advantage of her for real, not just for show.

A part of me wonders who the fuck I am, but I know. I’m the monster who’s her best bet for escape. But a monster all the same, and I’ll take everything I want from her. Eventually. When I inevitably give in to my own carnal urges.

“Please, Daddy… I’m sorry.”

“Good.” I turn to look at her, pretending these people aren’t there, that we’re caught in our own lust-filled bubble.

Her game is so fucking good that I’m about ready to fuck her in front of them all.

She’s playing me but is still unsure about her role.

She doesn’t realize that she’s made for this game. Master and sub. Daddy and little girl play. And I want it… her… with every fiber of my being.

But I’m co-starring in a show, so I lean into it, gathering all the dark aspects of myself and wrapping them close.

I hook my finger in the front of her tiny gold bikini and pull her up against me. Her skin heats where I touch, and the slam of her breath expelling from her lips reverberates through me.

I’ve fucked more than one woman at the same time. I’ve shared, watched. I’ve taken a whip to try my hand at the lighter end of discipline. I’ve had a woman suck me off in front of others at sex clubs. Given me the kind of X-rated lap dance where she’s fucking me as I guide her moves by the lightest of touches.