We walk out of the room, her arm tucked in mine. As we walk, Dakota twists her head left and right as if someone is going to pop out of the shadows. Smart girl. Like they haven’t already done that plenty.

“What if they’re just into partying?”

“They are,” I say, stopping halfway down a staircase to back her against the banister. The shock and thrill of danger is so fucking hot, I want to dangle her off the edge while I bury my face in her pussy. “They’re also depraved. Look around and you’ll see.”

She looks at me, eyebrow lifted. “And you?”

“I’m your worst nightmare, baby girl. This is nothing more than a game.”

And with that I lead her down and out onto the patio where it’s set up for a feast. People are dancing and I take note of the pretty young men and women who probably have no clue what they’re in for. But it’s not my job to rescue everyone. Getting Dakota off this island before she’s fucked like some rag doll is going to be hard enough.

Especially if I have to keep the whole operation of the Obsidian Knights under wraps.

They don’t know who we are, but having someone blast their way out of here is going to tip them off that they’re being surveilled. And as much as I want to take down every one of them, I can’t.

I narrow my eyes at the scene and tighten my grip on Dakota.

Still. Old habits die ugly deaths, and if I do have to go nuclear, I’m not taking innocent lives if I can’t save them.

Having an idea of who the other victims are might not be of use to Malone West, but when all this is done and he’s got the people he wants taken down, I’m fucking destroying this place. If any innocents are left, I’ll make sure they are saved.

And only them.

It’s not much, but it’ll do.

Because Dakota has tied my hands.

To me, it’s the hostage situation at the consulate all over again. Where Fina died. Because of people like Dakota—rich, entitled, spoiled, with no knowledge or care about the real world. And goddamn Smith for roping me into this job. I resent the hell out of him for dragging me into this hell, even though I understand his thinking.

I play my part. Keep her tucked in to my side and make small talk with the assholes surrounding me. I always observe quietly, never start a conversation. And it fits with my persona, the one that’s grown from the ashes of my former life as Jaxson Gardner and the one I was handed on paper for this mission. Someone who sells such cutting-edge weapons isn’t one for sharing or small talk.

“Hungry?” I drop my gaze to Dakota.

She nods. “And thirsty. There was booze in my room, but?—”

“Don’t drink it.”

Dakota goes slightly stiff and she rolls her eyes at me. “Jeez. I didn’t. Just made it look like I did.”

I almost say good girl, but don’t. “Drink from the tap and hopefully we’ll be gone tonight.”


“I need to take a look around, but I’m pretty resourceful. I’ll find a way out.”

We walk over to a massive buffet. She reaches out for a plate, but before she can pile it high with food, I pull her to me. “Stick to a vegetarian diet.”

“Why?” Her voice is fluttery, breathless, and does things to me that lead me down perverted and dark paths. Dangerous ones.

“Because you might be eating something endangered and illegal.”

She drops her hand, and the serving utensil clatters on the chafing dish. I almost laugh.

Just because I’m protecting her and getting her off at the same time doesn’t mean I’m not a bastard.

I take the plate and make her a salad, and she barely withholds her annoyance. It makes my dick throb, her irritation bordering on disobedience. I try like hell to convince myself that it’s all make-believe, but it isn’t. Far from it.

There’s truth in the chemistry that sparks between us but damn, it makes things hard and easy at the same time. Hard because keeping my hands to myself isn’t in my nature, and with Dakota, I’m powerless against any inhibitions. Easy because it makes our lust and passion look real.