“Dakota.” I growl the warning, and in her half-drugged state she looks pleased with herself, her hand floating dangerously close to my cock.

I grab her wrist and clamp her hand to my thigh. She likes to play with the wrong sort of fire.

But better mine than anyone else’s here.

“Yes, Daddy?”

It’s the fucking drugs and booze making her like this, but there’s something that pulls me to her in the words, the whole idea of that softer version of master. The slight taste of wrong that comes with the whole Daddy thing.

Because that’s what has me harder than I’ve been. The thing that I get at that marrow-deep level.

This whole Daddy thing isn’t about being a relative or replacing a father. It’s her acquiescence of power. Her handing me everything in that one word, her wanting to be submissive and owned in a way that calls for dark punishments and soaring rewards. Of pampering and taking and twisting things down to the raw, carnal, and dirty.

It's taking a D/s relationship and giving it an edge. Some like blood play and taking it all to the extremes. This is a different kind of edge, one I’ve never really experienced. I’m a Dom, but when she called me Daddy, it weirdly fit. The sound of the word rolling off her tongue was like coming home.

It’s a consuming ownership; it’s her giving me everything and me handing her pleasure and safety. And?—

My spine stiffens. “I’m not Daddy.” The words come harshly.

She recoils. “I don’t need an actual father. I already have two… a biological one who’s a deadbeat and an adopted one. Two real ones are enough. Go away.”

Her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink as she turns in the other direction.


“Y-you said to obey and I thought…” She swallows and it makes something in me clench. “I don’t know what I thought.”

I pull her back toward me, my cheek to hers. “You want to dabble in the taboo, Dakota, explore something new, but this isn’t the place.” I pause for a second, taking the moment and turning it into something to use against her. “If we leave here, we can play.”

“No one can see us here.” She’s not quite willing to give her full trust.

“These people can. They see everything.”

Her breath is warm on my face. It takes all I am not to taste her tempting lips. “But why would they?”

“They’re dangerous. And now you’re on their radar, so we need to get off this yacht.” I measure my words, backing off a little. “I’m here to help with that.”

She pushes at my chest, her eyes narrowing. “Who really wants me off this boat?”

Jesus. Is this why fucking Smith pushed the couple angle? Dakota knows I’m not the same as the rest of the fucking scumbags walking around and leering at her.

Because she’s smart, and smart is trouble.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m going to get you away from these people.”

“Smith.” She doesn’t hide the bitterness. “He sent you here, didn’t he?”

I skim my mouth along her lips. “It was a mutual friend.”

“So that’s a yes…” She gasps, the sound falling soft into a moan as I slip my hand up between her thighs that she parts for me.

Soft, delicate skin. And it’s mine. The dampness becomes wet the farther up I travel. Christ, she’s pushing her pussy at me, and I’m not sure it’s the drugs controlling her at this point.

I think it’s all her.

But even as I hover on the edge of teasing Dakota, she gazes at me from lowered lashes. “I’m not going anywhere because Smith says so.”

“Never said who the friend was.”