Page 105 of The Desires That Burn


“But he’d also been fucked raw, without prep… I dressed him. And I had to kill a few more guards who were running around.”

Malone raises a brow. “Had?”

“Wanted? Needed?” I take a breath. “Thing is, even though I went in with the balaclava on and no one could have recognized me, I… I left a guard alive. He saw me with the kid. I broke that dickwad’s arm and leg. Beat him because I wanted him dead. These asshole guards see what goes on. They probably get leftovers.”

“And you left him because…?”

“There needs to be some kind of trail and reason why. We still don’t know who the big deal is behind this whole fucking ring, so put it down to getting the kid and taking her too. I don’t know. I just figured if they’ve got someone to watch and nothing happens, we can get the big guns.”

He sighs and folds his arms. “No. C’mon, Orion. You set it up so you could go back in.”

I turn to him and close the gap so we’re almost nose to nose. I could throw him off here, into the water.

I could. I won’t. He’s not the enemy. I just fucking hate it when he’s got my number.

“You think I give a fuck about my job or protocol? I’m not leaving it so she can be taken again. Just like I wasn’t leaving her there. And trust me, if I had to kill every fucker on that island to get her, I would have. You know why the kid was out when I swam back?”

“Those drugs they shot him with?”

I snarl. “No. He came to and started screaming. Going ballistic. I had to take him down, knock him the fuck out. Because in his terror, he got my knife and fucking stabbed me. And I had to let him because that’s the only way I could get my hands on him to take him down. They fucking raped the boy. What is he? Sixteen? Seventeen? They were going to do that to her.”

Blood boils in my veins. “So fuck that shit. Fuck it all. And fuck the Knights and anyone who stands in my way. I will protect her and keep her safe, even if I have to fucking take down her father.”

Malone’s utterly still and my skin starts to prick and tingle. I turn slowly.

Dakota stands there on shaking legs. She stumbles and falls, dropping heavily. “He’s sleeping…”

“This can work; you did my job for me. Well, part of it. I’ll go sit with the kid,” Malone says.

I start laughing. “I don’t even know the kid’s fucking name.”

I have to laugh because I’m shaking, too. Like my foundations are crumbling. And my eyes are hot. My throat is tight and burning.

Slowly, I let out a shuddering breath.


“Don’t say you’re sorry for what you did to me.”

I turn and sit. The boat doesn’t need much right now, just attention, and I can keep an eye on things while seated.

Which is good because I’m not sure my legs can hold me up. “I’m not sorry. I couldn’t have you get hurt, baby girl. I couldn’t. I…”

Shit. I close my eyes and she moves closer, her fingers brushing against my leg. I take her hand and kiss the top of it.

“Will he be all right?” she asks.

“I hope so.” I open my eyes again and look at her. “And you?”

“They didn’t rape me. They stripped me, touched me, threatened, took photos… but they were saving me for my master.”

I still. “Not Brutus?”

She shakes her head. “I… I’m going to be okay.” Then she moves a little closer. “Can I sit with you?”

“Of course.”