Page 103 of The Desires That Burn

There’s a grimness to his tone which I get.

Somehow, I don’t think it’s actual fishing, and my stomach turns in a sea of greasy thoughts.

“But,” he adds, “they’ll spread out. The island isn’t huge, so… get that ass into fucking gear, little girl.”

“No.” I look around. I can’t see the mansion from here, and the growth in this area’s thick. Clearly, not many people venture to this part.

“Fuck your no, get moving.”

I frown. “Orion, you came up a beach?”

“The cliff. It’s not high, but if they’re looking, it’s not going to be there.”

“It makes sense to go down that way.” I’m not really thinking about that, but I want to know how bad his wound is, so I flick my gaze to his shoulder. “Unless you’re too injured.”

“Just a scratch, the bullet didn’t put a hole in me. Just grazed my skin. And no, we go by the beach, near the cliff. You can’t go down the way I came up, and jumping isn’t smart. Besides, easy and fast is what we want.” He pauses. “Before I go back and murder the fucking lot of them.”

I just catch his belt as he starts to walk, stopping him. “You know how long the drugs are going to work for, don’t you?”

“Why?” He gives me a wary look.

“And you say that’s just a scratch?” I nod at his wound.

“I didn’t come here to fucking save your neck, baby girl, just to have us get killed because you want to stop and have a fucking chat. Move it. Now. Or I’ll make you.”

The warning’s clear. I ignore it.

Because back at that mansion there’s at least one other person who needs saving.

“They’re holding an auction tonight, like they planned on doing with me,” I say.

“I’m aware. Fucking move.” He looks at me. “You’re my mission, Dakota, no one else. You.”

Is this what he did when the love of his life—that knife draws fresh blood every time I think of her—risked everything?

Except I’m not her. I’m the rich girls in this scenario and?—

“How many?” I ask, pulling him to a stop.

“How many what?”

“People like me back there at the mansion?”

“I don’t fucking know.”

I frown. “But?—”

“There’s a kid, but I don’t know where he is.”

“I don’t want to be the cause of his pain and imprisonment. What if they kill him?”

He takes hold of me. “My mission’s you.”

“You’ve said,” I say, pulling free, hoisting up my nail gun. “How long do those drugs last?”

Orion narrows his eyes. “You’re getting on the boat.”

“I want to rescue him.” I turn, nail gun out. It’s insane, but I do it anyway. I start marching back.