Page 6 of Not Taken

I was fifty pounds heavier than him, and thank fuck. I could hold all his weight and then some, and it was so fucking worth the extra training to keep my muscle up. He was so beautiful, and I hated him for it.

One hand on my dick, I let gravity pull him down so I could line my cock up to his ass. His damn shorts were strained against my stomach but I could still get to him from underneath. Just one press of my lubed tip against his tight hole and I was losing it. And I got a hiss in return.

“You’re so fucking hungry for my cock aren’t you, Eli? How badly do you want me?”

He fastened his lips shut, like he did when he was trying to hide the truth from me. He could be such a fucking brat.

“Go on, Eli. Say it.” I needed him to say it. I needed to hear that he needed this as much as I needed him.

I loved his struggle. No matter how much he tried to deny it, my cock always won.

His fingers dug into my shoulder, his eyes squeezed closed as he drew in a shuddering breath. Arms fastened around my neck, he tugged me closer, hiding his face.

“Will you fuck me, Caleb?” he said in the sweetest fucking voice I’d ever heard. “I want you to fuck me.”

Christ, I didn’t know if I could hold myself back when he said it like that. With such a frenzied moan I’d swear my cock was the only thing keeping him going. Watching a two-hundred-thirty-pound Eli fucking begging for my cock was the best I’d ever felt.

“I want to slide straight into you. I’m not fighting your tight ass. You better relax for me,” I said as I adjusted, getting ready for the show. “My cock is so hot and wet, and ready for you, Eli. You going to take it like the good little slut you are?”

Every time I called him that, he grew more desperate. I swear I heard a whimper before he shifted, his back hitting the concrete again before he nodded, defeat blending with the hate in his eyes. “No way, Eli. Not good enough. Louder. Now.”

He groaned as he shook his head. I was so fucking impatient, and his ass was clamping on my cockhead already, setting of fireworks in my fucking skull. But I knew if I waited, he’d give in.

He bit his lip, the pain creasing his face throwing me off until his hips curved, his ass pressed against my cock, his voice low and heavy. “Yes, I'll take it,” he said through clenched teeth. “I'll take your cock.”

I groaned as I grasped my cock again. “That’s my little slut.” I had to be inside him. I was going to go fucking mental if I didn’t get his ass around me and feel his heat clasping me.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped as he let himself go, my cockhead breeching his ass, both of us descending into cries.

I wasn’t going easy. It was his fault for taking the job with Dad. Three fucking days of wondering what he was doing, if he was fucking some stranger who could never give it to him like I could. Even when Dad told me my uncle died from an overdose two days ago, I didn’t give a shit. Carlos was a mean motherfucker, even by my standards.

Eli gave a harsh shout as I thrust myself inside him. It was only an inch, but moans ripped from both of us. “This is what you get for leaving me,” I rasped, dipping my head, lashing my lips across his nipple and biting into him again. The sharp tang of blood and his yell stopped me coming straight away. I didn’t know if I could even push into him without bursting. I’d be begging him for it if I didn’t know how much he liked me beating him into submission.

Satisfaction grew in my chest with every sound he gave. I was fucking done with all those worries and fears which had been keeping me back from him. Even though we should be careful. Because Dad would kill Eli when he found out we were fucking. I might be his kid and he still wanted me to take over business, but we were expendable. There was always someone else to fill a role, even Dad’s.

If Dad tried to torture Eli like he had with everyone else who betrayed him, I’d kill Eli myself. He didn’t deserve a slow death just because I put my cock in him.

And I'd lose any chance to take over the business. I'd been training my whole life to step into my dad's shoes when he retired, but if he found out about Eli, he wouldn’t just kick me out. The last time they discovered a worker had fucked a man, they dragged him out in the desert, shot him in the calves, and let him there to roast.

Dad stuck to the laws his grandad made when he first built our family up. It was one of the reasons he’d kept us strong. He made sure he knew everything that was happening in his business, and he killed anyone who got in his way. Every time I even thought about fucking Eli, I was risking our lives. That was why I hated him so fucking much: because I couldn’t resist him.

And, right now, he was mine.

I nudged my hips upwards, entering him another inch, my hand firm around my shaft. He let out the loudest cry I’d heard from him so far. If the concrete walls of the closet weren’t so fucking thick, I’d say for sure someone on the other side could hear him. But maybe I wanted them to hear. Maybe I wanted anyone on the other side to know how good I could give it to him, and how much he loved my cock.

“I think you deserve a prize for admitting how needy you are,” I growled as I let go of my cock. I held his thigh as his weight dropped, and straight away I pressed into him another inch.

“Fuck!” he shouted as I slid into his ass. As soon as he tightened around my cock, he started to rock his hips. “Fucking hell, Caleb,” he moaned, his arms feeding around my neck. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he said as he clung to me, using me as a fucking anchor so he could sink deeper onto me.

“You love it, don’t you? Having my fat cock riding your hole. Jesus, Eli, look at you.”

I leaned back to enjoy the sight of his hips grinding on me in the shitty light of the closet. I almost told him how addicted I was to him, how I couldn’t cope without him, that I went fucking insane when he was gone.

Each second I was with him, it was getting harder and harder not to tell him how much I loved him. Yeah, sure, jumping on him nearly every day was one thing, but I was so close to grabbing his throat and choking him until he promised to never leave me again.

The way his ass clasped me, how he urged me on, his fucking shakey breaths ringing in my ears, it was toxic. “Your ass is sucking me up, just like your fucking throat last night.”

I held him as he lowered himself, each inch bringing me so close I nearly gave in and thrust into him myself. But I wanted him to show me that he missed me too. We held each other, panting, gasping as he slid further down my cock.