Shit, if he figured out I had no idea what he was saying, he’d get pissed off again.
I just had to keep telling Dad what he wanted to hear so he’d send me to Phoenix.
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep this family strong,” I said. It was so fucking generic but I hoped it would be enough to convince him.
It wasn’t that I didn’t feel that way. I fucking loved living like this, especially when it came to doing shit like collecting loan money or chasing up guys who needed to be taught a lesson. If it involved my fists, I was so there. “Good.” Dad nodded again, sliding his chair out from under the desk. “Good, that’s what I want to hear, because I’ve got another job for you tonight.”
“Really? Tonight?” It was pushing 11 pm and I didn’t want to be too tired to give Eli the full package after this was over.
“Yes, though you don’t need to look so concerned. It’ll be quick.” Dad opened the drawer by his hip and withdrew a pistol, checking the cartridge with a click before slipping it into the holster on his hip. “Follow me.”
He led me out of his room, heading left instead of right, back towards the depot. The door was closed so I couldn’t tell if Eli was still out there, though he’d never abandoned his post before.
Dad opened the door to the loading bay area There was already another beefy guard standing outside, and Dad stopped in the doorway, turning to me.
“Just stay here and watch the show. I’ll call you when needed,” Dad said before looking at the guard. “Ben, hold it open, would you? I want Caleb to see this.”
I stood in the doorway, tracking Dad as he strode towards a group of eight of our guys. I didn’t give a shit about that. It was the two people fixed to the drain pipes on the far right wall that grabbed my attention
Dad had a thing about drainpipes. I didn’t know if he got off on it, or whatever, but he loved forcing people to stay put while he did his thing. I’d killed enough people that way, that I picked up his method easily, and it was convenient when the blood had somewhere to run.
They were about three metres apart from each other, the floodlights highlighted every patch of blood on their dark suits and white shirts. A man and a woman, I guessed from so far away.
The door in front of me on the other side of the bay burst open, and another two guys came out, dragging a kicking and shouting man across the tarmac. They’d stuck a bag over his head too, and I might not have given a shit, if it wasn’t for the fact I recognised his clothes instantly.
Because Eli had gone with a forest green shirt today which I'd spent half the day thinking of ripping off of him.
My heart plummeted as I realised what was happening. Or, I thought I did. I was trying to breathe, trying to think what I could do. I took a step forward but Ben shot a hand out, grabbing my wrist.
I was going to puke, my stomach free-falling as fear flooded through me. Why the fuck was Eli out there?
“Boss says you gotta stay here,” Ben said, frowning at me, his brows pulled tight in concentration even though I was pretty sure nothing was going on in his head. I was two seconds away from fighting him when my dad’s voice echoed around the landing bays.
“Well, Eli.” He laughed as the two guards threw him against the drainpipe. “So nice of you to join us!”
Igasped, folding in half as a fist slammed straight into my stomach as soon as the door closed behind Caleb.
I threw out a punch at the first man guarding the door, but he was so meaty that my knuckles bounced off of muscle.
“Stay the fuck still, you little rat,” Meathead One snarled.
Cold fear joined my thudding pain, the connection made, message received.
My time was here. Finally.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I shouted, my voice bouncing around the depot, hoping someone might help. But, apart from some looks from those closest to us, everyone ignored me. They were used to it around here.
“You've got the wrong person!” I said as I threw my elbow backwards while the other guard closed me in. I felt my elbow connect with something soft and heard a cry but he didn't let it stop him.
“Oh no, we definitely got the right fucking guy,” Meathead Two growled, jumping on me and grabbing me from behind in a pincer hold.
I kicked backwards, but even when I hit his shin, he didn't move.
Throwing my head back, I aimed for his nose while I tried to force my arms open and stamp on his foot, but there was no getting away.