I glance at the perfect ring again, the stems twining along the band, the leaves, the stone and halo that resemble a flower that catches the light and scattering rainbows. It’s delicate, unique, unmistakably me.

“God, Lila... I love you so much.”

I freeze. It’s the first time he’s said those words.

He chuckles. “And I mean it. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” The words tumble out of me, raw with emotion.

He takes my hand, his touch sure but gentle, and slides the ring onto my finger. And it’s a perfect fit. The cool metal quickly warms against my skin, and I barley notice it’s there, other than the sheer beauty and sparkle.

This ring, this man, this moment—everything aligns.

Our lips meet in a kiss that seals our pledge, soft yet insistent, with that passion we share simmering beneath the surface. His hands roam, tracing the contours of my body with reverence, leaving me desperate for more.

“Fredrick,” I breathe against his mouth, desire coursing through me.

“Let me show you just how much I love you,” he whispers, his eyes sparkling with a wickedness that leaves me wanting more. And I’ll enjoy more for the rest of our lives.

The world falls away as we come together. The sound and smell of the water, memories surface, and I’m with the man I love. We shed clothes, fears, and worries, and we make our way to the edge of the water like teenagers, plunging into the wet before he pulls me into his arms.

“You’re mine,” he whispers.

“I was always yours,” I say.

A grin crosses his lips. “I know. And I’m yours.”

And together, we make another beautiful memory, ready to face whatever comes next. Together.



Three years. It’s been three years since Fredrick proposed to me by the lake.

I watch Dean as his laughter trills through the air. He chases after Fredrick, his little legs pumping furiously as if trying to keep up with a racing cheetah.

They're inseparable and absolutely filled with love and mischief. They’re my boys, my world.

“Dad, look!” Dean says, pointing at nothing.

But Fredrick turns around and scoops him up, sending him into giggles again. I watch my husband pretend he’s going to drop our son while saying, “You're getting big, champ.”

“And fast!” Dean pulls Fredrick’s hair and laughs, squirming to be put down before running away from his father, who playfully gives chase. Our son squeals in excitement, and my attention shifts to Alex, in the corner, leaning against the wall. His brow is furrowed in thought, and Emma sits on the edge of the couch, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the cushion.

Both are wearing their serious-business faces. I know that look.

“Fredrick,” Alex says, his tone all business despite the comfortable setting of our home, where we’re all family. “We need your input on something.”

Emma nods in agreement, her eyes brightening as she sees hers and Alex’s potential solution to whatever problem they’re facing. “If you don’t mind, of course.”

Fredrick places Dean down gently, and our son scampers off.

“Talk to me,” Fredrick says, taking a spot opposite Emma as Alex walks closer.

It warms me, seeing him so willingly invested in our family's ventures. His lack of ownership in the club doesn't deter his desire to support them, and he’s always willing to lend his insights when they ask. It's one of the countless reasons my heart is his.

I watch from the sidelines, pride filling me as his gaze meets mine past my siblings. This man, who once did all the wrong things, helps my family in every way he’s able, and without question or expectation of return. And I love him wholeheartedly and with every fiber of my being.