I follow them, missing the warmth of Lila’s hand in mine. The familiar scent of her home fills my nose, and I can hear the hum of their conversation even though I can’t hear the words.

Grace glances at me. “It's so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Grace,” I say, feeling warmth in my chest at her words.

There's a knock at the door that has us all turning to face the entrance, wondering who’s here.

“Don’t look at me,” Alex says.

“I haven’t been home,” Lila says.

Grace shrugs. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

The door swings open before any of them can move, and my heart stops in my chest.

“Emma?” Grace’s voice is a gasp.

Lila rushes to her sister and pulls her into a hug as Emma drops her bags to the floor at her feet and opens her arms. The girls laugh, and Lila pulls her into the room with Grace.

Tears slip down Grace’s cheeks as she hugs her daughter.

“I’m sorry I wasn't here,” Emma says.

“No apology needed.” Grace sounds so relieved as I try to come to terms with the sudden turn of events.

“But I guess you weren't kidnapped,” Lila says with a relieved laugh. “So, what changed your mind and brought you home?”

“Fredrick said something that got under my skin,” Emma says, her eyes flickering to me again. “And I realized I needed to come home.”

The silence overwhelms the room and I close my eyes, willing whatever gods are so hellbent on destroying me to just freaking do it already rather than to continue torturing me.

“Fredrick knew where you were?” Lila's voice is barely above a whisper, and I can feel the tension in her trembling body.

“Yes.” Emma's eyebrows knit together as she glances at her sister. “He found me the day after I left, and we talked.”

Lila's jaw clenches as she absorbs this information, and without another word, she turns and storms out of the room.

“Go talk to her,” Grace says softly, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. “And good luck.”

I’ll need it. I hesitate for a second before making my way toward Lila’s room. The door is closed, and I give a quick knock.

“Lila,” I say. “Please let me in.”

“Go away.” I can hear the tears in her voice, and I wonder how I’ll ever convince her that I kept this from her for the right reasons.

I push open the door and find her sitting on the edge of her bed, her back facing me. She doesn't turn around as I step inside, but I can see the anger and tension in the set of her spine.

“Talk to me,” I say softly, closing the door behind me.

“About what?” She doesn't even sound angry, just tired. Somehow that's more upsetting than if she was mad at me.

I make my way to her bedside. “Whatever you want to talk about.” I don't want her to just shut me out.

“I don’t know that there’s anything to talk about.” The defeated tone of her voice gnaws at me.

“We both know that's not true.” I'm not just going to walk away, even if that's what she wants me to do.

“I'm glad my sister is home safe.”