“Well, kind of, but not really.”

“I’m in,” he says. “If Lila trusts you, I guess I can, too.”

Lila trusts me?

“I'll send you the details when you're healed up.”

We sit in silence for a few moments, both lost in our own thoughts.

“Do you need a ride home?” I stand up and he struggles to his feet with a shake of his head.

“No, I have other things to attend to here in town.” Something about the way he says the words has me worried. I can only hope that my club isn't what he’s referring to.

“Well, stay safe out there and try not to get shot.”

I expect him to be upset at my words, but instead he lets out a chuckle. “That’s something nobody else will joke about.” There seems to be a relief to his words, as if it's nice to finally not have somebody talking about how sorry they are for him.

“Who said I was joking?” I ask.

This time, his chuckle is an actual laugh as he makes his way to the door. Before I can close it, he turns to face me. “Just so you know, if you hurt my sister again, I will make sure you regret it.”

I don't doubt his words one bit.

Giving him a salute, I close the door behind him and lock it. Then I stand in place, staring at the closed door for a moment before going back to the couch.

I pick up my phone and text Lila. I’m okay. We need to talk soon.

I don't know what else to say, so I put my phone down. As I wait for her response, I can't help but think about how much I want her. This deep desire I have for her is undeniable, and I know that this time, I won’t be able to walk away.

I close my eyes and imagine her body pressed against mine, her hands trailing over my skin. The thought alone has me hard, and I can feel myself getting lost in the fantasy.

But as much as I want her, I know that I want more than just sex. I want her heart, her soul, everything she has to offer.

And I'll do whatever it takes to get it.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I stand outside Fredrick's room, torn between wanting to knock and leave.

“It’s okay, just go,” Vivian says, a smile on her face as she gestures at his door.

But something about this doesn't feel right. Grace had sent me a message telling me where Fredrick is staying, to go, and I bump into Vivian by chance. We’d gotten to talking about the town gossip around Fredrick and me, and she offered to drive me here.

Which might not have been my smartest move, because I don't trust Vivian, and I'm assuming she only knows about all the gossip because she's somehow participated in it, even if she's only listening to people talk.

“I’m going to go,” Vivian says. “So, he’s going to have to bring you home.” With that, she’s off down the hall, not so much as looking over her shoulder at me.

I stand there, watching her go long after she’s no longer in sight.

“Are you just going to stand there all night?” His voice startles me, and I turn to see him standing in the doorway, both hands on the frame, leaning in my direction.

I swallow hard. He looks so... imposing. Handsome. Hot.

“Fredrick, I-”

But he cuts me off.