It's not long before the front door opens and Grace is wheeled in, a triumphant smile on her lips. Alex fusses over her like a mother hen, adjusting pillows and blankets, while Lila glides around, ensuring medications and instructions are at hand.

Grace settles in, her eyes scanning the room, landing on an empty chair—a silent acknowledgement of the one person who isn’t here... but should be. Emma's absence might be unspoken, but we all feel it.

When I find a moment alone, while they carry on a conversation, I pull out my phone. My thumb hovers over the screen before tapping out a message to Emma.

Your mother had a heart attack. No bs, just the truth. I hit send. There's no response, and somehow, that silence is exactly what I expected.

Grace’s laugh is a soft chuckle, rustling like autumn leaves in a gentle breeze. “It's good to see you again,” she says, her gaze holding mine.

“Can I get you anything else? A pillow, maybe some water?” I offer, feeling a touch uncomfortable.

She waves a dismissive hand. “I'm fine, really. You all are making such a big fuss about nothing.”

Lila arches an eyebrow. “Mom, a heart attack isn't ‘nothing’,” she says.

Grace rolls her eyes, still the difficult, stubborn woman I remember from long ago. She hasn’t changed a bit. She leans forward and speaks to me in a conspiratorial whisper. “Did you two have a good time?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief.

My lips curve into a smile as I press my index finger to my lips, sealing away the memories of moments spent with Lila.

She nods, joy flickering in her eyes.

My chest tightens with a desire that’s grown roots deep within me. I want to be part of this family. For real.

When the evening shadows stretch across the room, I make a choice. In a moment of silence, I walk up to Lila and take both her hands. She stares at me in shock.

I might as well do this right. Dropping to one knee, I watch her eyes widen.

“Lila,” I say. “I want you for the rest of my life. Since I’ve come home, I’ve been gravitating toward you in a way that can’t be coincidence or chance. You’re destined to be part of my life, an integral part. Will you marry me?”

The understanding in her eyes has my stomach knotting. Her breath hitches, her eyes searching mine as if wishing for something else. I can feel a trembling in her fingers and sense her sadness.

“Fredrick...” she says, tugging me to my feet. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”

Chapter Eighteen


I stare at the heavy ring on my finger, feeling like it’s suffocating me. The bright stone is too big, the band too tight, the weight of it almost too much to hold up.

But I force a smile to my lips as my mom claps and Alex grumbles in protest of what he’s witnessing. Fredrick’s gaze never leaves mine, making me feel like he's peering straight into my soul and finding my reservations and doubts.

When I can finally break away, I head into the kitchen to try and breathe through my stress, fears, and worries. Alex corners me.

“Are you sure about this, Lila?” His eyes are filled with concern.

I peek into the living room, watching as Fredrick talks to my mom, pretending that everything is okay. That we're in love. But it's all just an act.

“I’m sure,” I say with a confidence I don’t feel.

Alex’s eyes narrow. “What did he do to you? What did he promise?”

“To love me forever,” I say as Fredrick meets my gaze. I force a smile to my lips. Why hadn’t I expected him to do this? For some reason, it never occurred to me that he’d ask in front of my mom and brother.

Mom gestures for me to come over, and I make my way to her side.

“Fredrick is an amazing man, but he’s the lucky one to have you,” she says with a wicked smile. “I assume you’re sharing a room?”

I don’t know how to get around this, so I simply nod. My mom seems almost gleeful as she rubs her hands together.“I guess my old rule about no sleepovers in the same bed can be put to rest now.”