She tried to swallow the boulder of stress blocking her throat. “It’s unsafe here, too. They’ve broken into my house before. They could do it again.”
“That would be pretty bold and extra difficult now that you’ve got the additional security measures in place.”
“I suppose.” She wanted to believe it, yet confidence drained from her like dirty dishwater down the plughole.
“Lock yourself in your bedroom and keep your phone on you. If you hear anything, call triple zero, then me. Got it?”
Her heart wouldn’t stop racing, her stomach roiled, her skin turned clammy. If her body didn’t settle, she’d be taken to hospital next. She tried to swallow the huge lump of anxiety swelling in her throat. “I think so.”
He held her face, his gaze locking on her eyes. “No ‘I think so’. I need a definite yes.”
“Good. I’m going to grab the trackers from my place. I won’t be gone long.” He swung out of bed, pulled on his jeans and T-shirt and flew out of the house, a man on a no-time-to-waste mission.
Sage threw on her robe and locked the door behind him. She stood there, frozen, and hugged her arms around herself. This sucked.
Thankfully, within thirty minutes, he returned. Even in that short time, she’d missed him.
She heard him fiddling around with her car, then he strode inside and shut the door. Sage stood at the top of the stairs, and he charged up, reached for her and wrapped her in his arms. “You okay?”
“Fine.” Kind of.
“Anything weird happen? Anything at all?” He pulled away and studied her eyes.
“Good.” He planted a hard kiss on her lips, then held her hand and led her back into the bedroom. “Let’s get this tracker secured inside your bra.”
Alexander grabbed the lacy one he had flung onto the floor earlier in their haste to fuck and requested she put it back on. She did, her hands shaky, fumbling with the clasp. Alexander took over, his fingers becoming a welcome distraction. No, much, much more than that.
She hungered for his warm, arousing, adoring touch.
He installed the tiny bug in among her underwire, and she could barely feel the thing. The chances of someone discovering it were remote, unless they had experience in the field.
Like Miles.
Like Trista.
She shivered.
He ran his palms along her arms and looked her in the eye. “You’re all set. The second I go, you lock me out and stay home. And keep your mobile on you at all times. Understand?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
Alexander cupped her face. “It’s all going to work out, okay?”
“I hope so.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course. It’s everyone else… Well, except my brother.”
Her phone rang. “It’s Chase,” she said and pressed the green call-answer button. “How are you doing?”