Page 38 of Sage Advice

Not that being terrorized was ideal, but it’d brought him closer—an extremely positive side benefit. He’d resumed a new and improved place in her life. And she couldn’t be happier, couldn’t be more grateful.

“Where did you go, baby?”

“I think I blissed out.”

“Fuck, yes.” The proud, sinful smile on his glistening lips had her getting all turned on again. “Let’s see if I can make it a hat-trick.”

He returned her legs to the mattress and raked his hungry gaze over her. “Flip over. Get on your hands and knees and dip your back.”

God she loved it when he got bossy in the bedroom. It had her all achy and wanton and wet.

She followed his instructions, and he growled. “Fucking sexy.” He kissed each vertebra and notched his cock against her opening.

Sage shifted into him, and he thrust home, sending tingles right to the tips of her toes. “Ohhh…Alexander!” She couldn’t even recognize her own voice, surprised she’d said anything that made sense.

“Yeah, baby.” He picked up his fucking pace. “Come on my cock.”

And she did, right on command. An avalanche of euphoria crashed over her, and he followed her into the orgasmic abyss.

His breath pounded into her shoulder, and she wanted more. When didn’t she want more of him?

Post-sex endorphins flooded her senses, and she’d never felt better. Him, too, going by his contented sighs, the way he stroked her skin. But how would he respond once the threat was extinguished? Would removing the danger dilute the intensity of his feelings? Eliminate his compelling need to be a savior?

Alexander shifted onto his back and pulled her to him. She nuzzled into his neck and kissed his pec over the intricate leaf tattoo. “This is beautiful.”

“It is.” He hesitated, as though unsure whether to say more. “It’s Sage.”


“Yeah. I needed you close to me…always.”

“That’s so… You’re the sweetest man.” Tears welled up in her eyes, and she pressed loving kisses over his heart. This guy…

But before they could really relax and enjoy each other, they needed to sort out her stalker situation. She sighed. “Not to ruin the moment, but I reviewed my client notes. I think one of three could possibly be behind this.”

He stiffened. “Show me.”

“Let me get my phone.”

He released his Herculean hold, and Sage grabbed her mobile from her handbag. She opened her email app and gave him her summary. “Miles is the frontrunner after Mallory said she saw him drive the car that nearly ran me over today. But who knows? It might be true or her vision could’ve been compromised or she may be protecting herself. We need to contemplate all possibilities.”

Alexander read and reread her notes, staying silent for a long time.

Nervous energy bubbled up inside her. “What do you think?”

“I think you did a great job at narrowing down options. They all have potential. They all have motives.”

He handed over her phone, and she placed it on the bedside table. “So, now what? How do I lure the person out?”

“You won’t. I’m not putting you in any more danger.”

She pushed onto her elbow and stared down at him. “But we have to do something!”

“No, we don’t. Just go about our daily lives and observe. The person will get impatient, show their cards.”

“That could take ages! I want to get on with my life. I’m sick of living in fear.”

He scrubbed his hand over his imperfectly handsome face—a face that had seen much more than she’d ever comprehend. It amazed her that these military men and women made it back even partially functional. “Believe me, it’s about patience. Being impulsive gets people killed. I know.”