Page 35 of Sage Advice

“I’ll come with you. Cancel your appointments, and I’ll take you home.”

“I need to see one person, then we can go. I’ll explain later. I’ll ask reception to reschedule everyone else. I should be done in about an hour if you’re happy to wait.”

“Of course. I’ve waited a long time for you, so a few more minutes is nothing.”

They stepped into the lift, and he embraced her, the heat of his body, comforting, calming, breathtaking. “I’m not letting you go. Do you understand? Not unless that’s what you want.”

“I don’t. I can’t lose you now, Alexander, so you bloody better be sticking around.”

He chuckled and slammed his mouth to hers in an unmistakably possessive kiss.

The elevator dinged, and they pulled apart, breathless.

“Let me check your office, then I’ll hang out in the waiting area.” He kissed her forehead.

“Okay.” She pushed onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his alluring lips, ‘I love you’ catching in her throat.

Not the right time.

Not the right place.

Too soon.

The elevator doors went to shut, and he waved his hand in between. They stepped out and she hurried to reception. “Is Mallory still due in this afternoon?”

“Yes, in about fifteen minutes.”

“Great… Um…could you please cancel and reschedule the rest of my appointments for today?”

“Are you all right?” Her switched-on receptionist scrutinized her from head to foot.

“Not really, no. But I should be fine by tomorrow.”

“O-kay. If you need more time off—”

“I won’t.”

The kind, loyal, efficient woman studied Sage’s eyes.

“I just have to attend to some more pressing matters.”

Her receptionist glanced at Alexander, hovering a few feet away. “I see.” She smiled, almost conspiratorially. “Consider your request completed.”

In the past, Sage would have been mortified if her colleagues believed she’d prioritized a man, sex, over work. Right now, she couldn’t care less. Yes, Alexander was rugged, handsome, irresistible and she couldn’t wait to get him naked again, but he’d also been helping her through this mess.

Sage glanced at her gorgeous guy and smiled. He grinned back, the simple gesture laden with not-so-subtle layers of communication. ‘Don’t take too long. I can’t wait to get you home. I want to fuck you until you scream in ecstasy’.

She nodded toward her office, and he followed. Then once he completed a quick safety check, he pressed another too-fleeting kiss to her lips and headed into the waiting area. She tried to tame her breathing and, with shaky hands, opened an electronic file for Mallory.

Did the woman actually want counseling? Or did she hope to gain further insight into her husband’s choice to take his own life? Maybe she thought Sage could now provide some closure.

Her desk phone buzzed, and she lifted the receiver. “Mallory’s here to see you.”

Chapter Eight

“Thanks. Send her in.” Sage’s heart raced like she’d overdosed on fifty cups of coffee, still craving Alexander, still rattled from the near-miss road accident. Add the lingering remnants of guilt from Donovan’s suicide and she couldn’t stop discomfort from flooding her senses.

A light knock had her approaching the office door. Ready? Well, as ready as she could be with wobbly legs and an impending adrenaline-spike comedown. What an afternoon.