Redness bloomed in her cheeks. “Alexander!”
“I promised to tell you the truth. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, but—”
“Deal with it. Deal with the fact I find you sexy as hell.”
Sage still couldn’t quite believe those words came out of the real, flesh-and-blood Alexander. The real, sublime deal, not her fantasy man, not the guy she’d had so many sex dreams about she’d almost lost count. The genuine superb article.
“You need to finish getting ready, babe.”
He was right…again. Alexander proved that consistently. He aroused her, grounded her, made her see sense, made her feel loved, treasured—exactly what she’d always hoped for, what she’d envisaged from her soulmate. She turned, quickly kissed his mouth, then streaked into her bedroom.
Thankfully he stealthily snuck past her. If she’d seen him all big and rough and ready, she might have caved to her craving and called in sick. Though that wouldn’t solve the who-was-taunting-her issue. Focusing on fun might give her a temporary reprieve, but nothing positive ever came from avoidance.
“Nearly ready?” Alexander called from downstairs.
“Coming.” She wished she was in other ways—more sensual, Alexander-bringing-her-to-bliss ways.
Later. That bloody painful word.
He drove her to work, looking more panty-stripping than ever—every woman’s dream man in her eyes—in black jeans that contoured to his incredible butt and powerful legs, and a fitted black T-shirt that spanned his broad chest, enhancing his drool-worthy physique. The man loved black, and black brought out the best in him.
He turned to her at the first red light. “Are you going to tell Chase?”
She hadn’t even considered anything other than spending time exploring their new bond. But he had a point. “I think we both should, together—once he gets back.”
He reached over and squeezed her thigh. “Good plan.”
She angled herself more toward him. “Does his opinion matter to you?”
The light changed and he took off, staring ahead, his hand still hugging her leg. “Does it matter to you?”
“I asked you first.”
He smirked. “Normally, yes. In the past, definitely. Now, when it comes to you, no one can tell me what to do. Not anymore. I don’t care who it is. Any decision about our future is between us. Others can think what they want, but they’re not in our relationship.”
Sage didn’t want her brother offside, but she agreed with Alexander’s thinking. Knowing her man wouldn’t get bullied by anyone put her at ease.
She liked that he’d prioritized her opinion. It was a huge turnaround from what had happened in their past. A sign he had matured. A sign he had progressed. A sign she could put her faith in him one-hundred-and-fifty percent.
“Okay, good. I don’t want to invest in something that’s unstable, volatile, unsustainable.”
“I’m working on stable. I promise you I’m smarter, wiser. I won’t play games, I won’t assume, I won’t fuck you over. I won’t make decisions without consulting you.”
Oh yes, she really liked this revised version of her teenage crush. It reinforced that their time apart wasn’t all bad. They’d both seemed to need it to arrive at their current mentality, to allow romantic alignment.
“Thanks for being upfront.” She linked her fingers with his. “I totally trust you.”
He parked and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing each knuckle. Then he turned her hand over and pressed an open-mouthed, erotic kiss to her palm. “You never answered whether you’d have lunch with me. If you can only spare thirty minutes or less, I don’t care. I have to see you.”
Her heart flip-flopped at his admission. She wanted to see him as well. Didn’t want him to go. “Same. How about twelve-thirty? I’ll meet you in the Italian café across the street.”
“I’ll book us a table.” He held her face between his big hands and kissed her lips, X-rated style. She wanted to climb onto his lap and ride him.
Not here.
She tried to snatch her hormonal brain from its detour into sexual deviance—and just made it.