He'd signed up to the military and had no idea when he'd return…if he'd return. And he hadn't wanted Sage to put her life on hold for him, grieve if he didn’t make it. She deserved better, the best.
Now that he’d relinquished his nomadic lifestyle, no way would he traipse about on his own—not even for work, not without her backing. He aimed to stay and to keep Sage, the love of his life. No more flimsy, pathetic excuses could prevent their union.
From this moment on, he’d use his skills to protect her, to keep her safe—to keep them together…always.
“What are you thinking about?” She trailed her fingers along his chest and abs, and fuck, it felt incredible.
“How much of a fuckhead I’ve been.”
“You’re not a fuckhead. Far from it.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you.” She bit her bottom lip, her cheeks still irresistibly rosy. “I’m glad I waited.”
“Me, too. I love that you trusted me to be your first, and I love getting you off, watching you come. So damn sexy.”
“And your inner caveman…?”
“Fuck, he loved it even more than I did.”
They both laughed.
She pressed her palm over his heart and stared into his eyes with undeniable adoration. “I love the way you touch me, the way you care, like I’m special.”
“Because I do. You are. Don’t ever think otherwise.”
“It’s just… Wow. I mean, I didn’t expect this.”
“Me, either. I wasn’t sure you’d want me. I treated you badly, and now I’m damaged goods. Not the most appealing package.”
She sighed. “I’ve always wanted you, Alexander. You, in your entirety. Not some perfect guy on paper.”
Relief and elation blasted through his veins. “Being with you is better than anything I’d ever imagined.
“Really?” Her eyes searched his.
“Yeah.” He swept her disheveled hair off her face. “You’re an amazing woman—strong, passionate, loving. Sexy as fuck.”
Her eyes got all teary.
He stroked her cheek, his gaze never leaving hers. “Baby?”
“Don’t stress. They’re good tears. Happy tears. I never knew you thought about me this way.”
“Don’t ever doubt that I want you. I pushed you away because I needed you so bad and didn’t think it was right or fair. I’d joined the armed forces with no idea how long I’d be gone, and I didn’t think your brother would look favorably on us hooking up right before I left. I mean, fuck, I might not have made it. And I couldn’t do that to you. Now everything’s different.”
“It is and it isn’t.” She traced over the intricate ink on his pec, the sage-leaf design he’d had tattooed over his heart, and pressed a loving, reverent kiss to his chest. “We still desire each other, but it’s no longer a secret.”
“Exactly. Now I realize the importance of involving you in the decision-making about how we move forward. In the past I took that away from you, assessed everything from my own skewed point of view. From this point on, I promise I’ll never repeat that mistake. I’ll be one-hundred percent upfront.”
“Me, too. We’ve both matured, and we have a second chance. I won’t ruin that. I won’t be complacent. I’ll do everything I can to support us.”
He smiled with pure joy and kissed her temple.
“Not that I want to be in this position—fearing for my safety, my life—but I’m so glad you’re here. I’m beyond happy the universe found a way to bring us back together.”
He couldn’t have phrased it better himself. “I won’t let you down ever again.”