“Are you close?”
“I need you to come for me. Come on my cock.”
She broke apart right then, her core clenching every inch of him and setting off his own climax. Best fucking orgasm of his life—intense, off-the-charts, earth-shattering, because it was Sage, the off-limits woman he’d lusted over for years.
No, not just that. He loved countless things about her—her strength, her determination, her desire for fairness, her natural, understated sensuality. What wasn’t to love? And now that he’d had a taste, tapped that previously forbidden reserve, he couldn’t get enough.
Fuck, he’d done his best mate’s younger sister. In the past he’d gone against his gut and avoided crossing that line, but their connection tonight reinforced how wrong his decision-making had been. They were great together—beyond great. Spectacular.
He buried his face in her neck, his body pressed to hers, them both breathing hard. “Fucking perfect.”
“Yes, incredible.” She weaved her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp.
Relaxing yet arousing, so right, he didn’t want to move. But he needed to dispose of the condom. He pulled out, and she winced. “Sorry, baby.”
“No need to be sorry. I’m going to be sore in the best way.”
He gave her an appreciative grin because, yeah, he’d made her his, and went to throw out the condom in her en suite. Alexander tied the top and…shit. Blood? Had he injured her?
His ecstatic mood plummeted to worried. He wrapped the rubber in a tissue, threw it in the bin and returned to his woman. He lay beside Sage, propped on one forearm and studied her eyes. “Did I hurt you, baby? Be honest.”
“No.” She cupped his cheek and looked at him with so much love. “You were wonderful.”
“There was blood on the condom.”
“Oh, that.” She dropped her hand and averted her gaze.
“Yeah, that.”
A blush invaded her face. “I, um… Oh boy. Um… This is so embarrassing.” She bit her bottom lip, took a deep breath and seemed to force herself to meet his persistent stare. “It… It was my first time.”
“What? You’ve never had sex before?” No. No fucking way. A stunning woman like her… He had to have misunderstood.
“Not penetrative sex. I’ve done other stuff…”
Fucking hell. “You should have told me, and I wouldn’t have been as rough, so fucking caveman.”
“You were exactly what I wanted.” And didn’t he love that confession. A part of his primal self loved the fact she’d trusted him, had chosen him to give herself to first.
Her face flushed a passion-induced pink. “I especially love oral, have done it a few times, but your mouth. Oh my God, I’ve never come so hard.”
A sense of pure male pride welled up inside him. But, at the same time, he wanted to deck the guys who’d had access to her pussy, the pleasure of eating her out before him. Yeah, possessive caveman to the max.
“And sucking cock?” Because, like her, he enjoyed oral, too, needed a woman willing to give him that pleasure. He hoped Sage considered it as much of a necessity, a turn on, as he did.
“I enjoy it. Can’t wait to taste you. I’ve wanted to for so long.”
Even though he’d come moments ago, her candid words had his dick rising to the challenge. He fucking wanted her mouth around his cock almost more than he needed his next breath.
“How do you want me, baby?”
“On your back. Then I can look into your eyes while I suck you off.”
Fuck me.
His fantasy come to life.