Page 69 of Protecting Nikole

“Well, she apparently has something to say to you because she’s come by my house every day for the last week. She doesn’t know where you live, so she’s resorted to using me as your assistant. I told her you don’t want to speak to her, but she’s being very persistent. Please, can you talk to her and listen to what she has to say so she can leave me alone?”

“I’m sorry she’s gotten you involved, but I’m not going to speak to her. You can tell her to let it go. There’s no point.”

Sarah sighed. “I did. But I’ll try again. She seems sorry. Maybe hearing her apology might make you feel better, too.”

“I’m just fine, Sarah. Now, I’ve got to go.”

That was my cue. I walked past the living room and into the foyer. “Hi, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled at me. “Hi, Nik. Where are you guys off to?”

“To catch my mother’s stalker,” I said.

Jake rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to keep this low-key.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea? Bringing Nikole along? Aren’t you just serving her up to him?”

“No. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” He turned to glare at me. “But I don’t have much choice.”

I shook my head and said over my shoulder as I walked past him. “Nope. No choice at all.”



My mind drifted as I drove down a two-lane highway, leaving New York City behind. I rubbed my bottom lip as question after question ran through my head.

What did Janine want after all these years? What could she possibly have to say to me?

After I’d walked out, I went back to talk to Janine, but she had packed her things and moved out. I’d assumed she’d gone with him and Rodriguez confirmed it a few weeks ago. So, what could she want to talk about now?

While it ate at me to know, no good would come from listening to her explanation. We would never get back together, so what would be the point?

Nikole shifted in her seat, and I kicked myself for ignoring her. I knew I wasn’t much of a talker. It was one of the things Janine always said she hated about me. But I enjoyed the silence. There was calmness and safety in it. I grew up with shouting and loud noises. I ran toward them when I was in the military. Now, I just wanted silence, but I knew most people didn’t feel that way, so I would try more with Nikole.

“Would you like a bottle of water?” I asked.

She turned to me. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

And resumed looking out the window. Tapping my fingers against the steering wheel, I tried to think of a neutral topic. She didn’t want to talk about her nightmare, and I wasn’t ready to share my thoughts about Janine with her.

“Do you watch football?”

“Football?” She turned to look at me.

I grinned at the disbelief on her face. “Yeah. You know. The great American game.”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t watch football. I’m not into any sports.”

I nodded and wondered if that had anything to do with her father. None of your business, Jake.

“So, what do you like to do for fun?”

She shifted in her seat again, this time to face me and not the window. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”

“Do what?”

“Small talk to make me more comfortable. I’m fine just sitting here, looking out the window.”