Page 6 of Protecting Nikole

I tilted my head and stared at him. His blithe tone wasn’t something I wanted to hear right now. “I’ve got to do something. But I don’t know what.”

I rubbed my forehead while continuing to pace.

I could ask one of the other guys in the office to file requests for me. But they had their own assignments and I wouldn’t want to add more work onto their plates.

What if…

“You’re burning a hole in the carpet,” Will drawled.

I crossed my arms and was about to tell Will to take the situation more seriously when Christian walked into the office.

“Gentlemen.” He took a seat in front of Will’s desk and crossed one ankle over his knee. “An important case has come across my desk. I just got off the phone with Governor Adams.”

This piqued my attention. We’ve had some celebrity assignments and one British diplomat so far, but this would be the first state official.

“Well, what did the governor want?” asked Will.

“It appears she’s received some disturbing emails threatening her safety. She wants around-the-clock protection.”

Will pursed his lips. “Jager’s busy working with City Bank on their hacker issues. So that leaves me and you, Christian.”

I stepped back with my hands on my hips.

“What?” Will asked. “The commissioner tied you up. You can’t work the case.”

I knew Will was right. I hated that I couldn’t do my job. I paced the office again.

Christian straightened in his seat. “I’ll protect the governor. I’ve already started working on her case. I know you have a lot going on right now, Will.”

Will grunted, but I didn’t pay attention to anything else he said because an idea wormed its way through my mind. “Hold up,” I said when Christian turned to leave Will’s office.

“I will take the case.”

Will groaned. “We just talked about this, Jake. Don’t—"

“Who’s Rodriguez’s boss, Will?” I asked.

He raised his hand flippantly. “I don’t know. The mayor, I guess.”

“That’s right. And who is the mayor’s boss?”

Christian smiled and pounded on the office door with his fist. “The governor. You’re fucking brilliant, Jake.”

Will shook his head. “What are you saying? You’re going to threaten Rodriguez through Governor Adams?”

“It’s not a threat. It’ll be a condition for us to work with the governor. We will take on the case, including around-the-clock service, plus eyes on her email, but she will need to get me taken off Rodriguez’s blacklist.”

“Do you think she’ll do that?” Christian asked.

“She came to us, which means she knows we’re good. It’s not like we advertise or anything. To secure the best protection, I’m sure she won’t bat an eye.”

Christian nodded. “He’s right, Will. This could work.”

“It has to,” I said. “Or I’ll lose this job.”

Will rolled his eyes. “You don’t need this job. None of us do.”

I stood in front of Will’s desk and planted my palms in front of him. “I know. Then why are we here? We joined the army because it’s in our DNA to protect people. Because we need each other and a purpose. Give me a chance to keep both.”